Potato and milk noodles


Boil seven or eight potatoes, peel and let them stand several hours to
dry; then grate them and add two eggs, salt and enough flour to make a
dough thick enough to roll. Roll into long, round noodles as thick as
two pencils and cut to length of baking-pan. Butter pan and lay noodles
next to each other; cover with milk and lumps of butter and bake fifteen
minutes, till yellow; serve immediately with bread crumbs browned in


Noodles recipe


Beat one large egg slightly with one-fourth teaspoon of salt, add enough
flour to make a stiff dough; work it well for fifteen or twenty minutes,
adding flour when necessary. When the dough is smooth place on slightly
floured board and roll out very thin and set aside on a clean towel for
an hour or more to dry. Fold in a tight roll and cut crosswise in fine
threads. Toss them up lightly with fingers to separate well, and spread
them on the board to dry. When thoroughly dry, put in a jar covered with
cheese cloth for future use. Drop by handfuls in boiling soup, ten
minutes before serving.

Noodles for vegetables or for puddings are made in the same way, but to
each egg, one-half egg-shell full of cold water may be added. The strips
are cut one-half inch wide.


Shavings recipe


Sift about one pint of flour in a bowl, make a depression in the centre;
break in five eggs, a pinch of salt, one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and
one tablespoon of pulverized sugar. Mix this as you would a noodle
dough, though not quite as stiff. Roll out very thin and cut into long
strips with a jagging iron. Fry a light yellow. Roll on a round stick as
soon as taken up from the fat or butter, sprinkle with sugar and
cinnamon or grated peel of a lemon. Mix both thoroughly. Do not let the
butter get too brown; if the fire is too strong take off a few minutes.

French puffs recipe


Put one cup of water and one-quarter pound of butter on to boil. When it
begins to boil stir in one-quarter pound of sifted flour. Stir until it
leaves the kettle clean, take off the fire and stir until milk-warm,
then stir in four eggs, one at a time, stirring until all used up.
Flavor with the grated peel of a lemon. Put on some rendered butter in a
kettle. When the butter is hot, dip a large teaspoon in cold water and
cut pieces of dough with it as large as a walnut, and drop into the hot
butter. Try one first to see whether the butter is hot enough. Do not
crowd--they want plenty of room to raise. Dip the hot butter over them
with a spoon, fry a deep yellow and sprinkle powdered sugar over them.

Chocolate and Date torte


Take nine eggs, one-half pound of pulverized sugar, one-half pound of
almonds, half cut and grated; one-half pound of finest vanilla chocolate
grated, one-half pound of raisins, cut and seeded; seven soda crackers,
rolled to a powder; one teaspoon of baking-powder, juice of three lemons
and one-fourth glass of wine. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth and
stir in last. Beat yolks with sugar until very light; then add
chocolate, and proceed as with other torten.


Beat one-half pound of pulverized sugar with the yolks of six large
eggs. Beat long and steadily until a thick batter. Add one-half pound of
dates, cut very fine, one teaspoon each of allspice and ground cinnamon,
one-fourth pound of chocolate grated, juice and peel of one lemon, three
and one-half soda crackers, rolled to a fine powder, one teaspoon of
baking-powder, and last the stiff-beaten whites. Bake slowly. Cake can
be cut in half and put together with jelly.


Caraway seed cookies


Beat three-quarters of a pound of butter and a pound of sugar to a
cream; add three eggs, one saltspoon of salt, a gill of caraway seeds
and a teaspoon of powdered mace, stirring all well together to a cream;
then pour in a cup of sour milk in which a level teaspoon of baking-soda
is stirred.

Hold the cup over the mixing bowl while stirring in the soda, as it will
foam over the cup. Last of all stir in enough sifted flour to make a
light dough, stiff enough to roll thin. Roll on a pastry board well
dusted with flour. Cut in round shapes and place in baking-tins well
rubbed with flour.

Sprinkle a little sugar over the cookies and bake them in a moderate
oven till a light brown. When cool, carefully lift the cookies from the
pans with a pancake turner.


Sterelizing jars

The success of canning depends upon absolute sterilization and not upon
the amount of sugar or cooking. Any proportion of sugar may be used, or
fruit may be canned without the addition of any sugar.

It is most important that the jars, covers, and rubber rings be in
perfect condition. Examine each jar and cover to see that there is no
defect in it. Use only fresh rubber rings, for if the rubber is not soft
and elastic the sealing will not be perfect. Each year numbers of jars
of fruit are lost because of the false economy in using an old ring that
has lost its softness and elasticity.

Have two pans partially filled with cold water. Put some jars in one,
laying them on their sides, and some covers in the other. Place the pans
on the stove where the water will heat to the boiling point. The water
should boil at least ten or fifteen minutes. Have on the stove a shallow
milk pan in which there is about two inches of boiling water. Sterilize
the cups, spoons, and funnel, if you use one, by immersing in boiling
water for a few minutes. When ready to put the prepared fruit in the
jars slip a broad skimmer under a jar and lift it and drain free of

There are several methods of canning; the housekeeper can use that
method which is most convenient.

The three easiest and best methods are: Cooking the fruit in jars in an
oven; cooking the fruit in jars in boiling water; and stewing the fruit
before it is put in the jars.

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Apple strudel recipe


Sift two cups of flour, add pinch of salt and one teaspoon of powdered
sugar. Stir in slowly one cup of lukewarm water, and work until dough
does not stick to the hands. Flour board, and roll, as thin as possible.
Do not tear. Place a tablecloth on table, put the rolled out dough on
it, and pull gently with the hands, to get the dough as thin as tissue

Have ready six apples chopped fine, and mixed with cinnamon, sugar,
one-half cup of seedless raisins, one-half cup of currants. Spread this
over the dough with plenty of chicken-fat or oil all over the apples.
Take the tablecloth in both hands, and roll the strudel, over and over,
holding the cloth high, and the strudel will almost roll itself. Grease
a baking-pan, hold to the edge of the cloth, and roll the strudel in.
Bake brown, basting often with fat or oil.

Another apple strudel recipe

Into a large mixing bowl place one and one-half cups of flour and
one-quarter teaspoon of salt. Beat one egg lightly and add it to
one-third cup of warm water and combine the two mixtures. Mix the dough
quickly with a knife; then knead it, place on board, stretching it up
and down to make it elastic, until it leaves the board clean. Now toss
it on a well-floured board, cover with a hot bowl and keep in a warm
place. While preparing the filling lay the dough in the centre of a
well-floured tablecloth on the table; roll out a little, brush well with
some melted butter, and with hands under dough, palms down, pull and
stretch the dough gently, until it is as large as the table and thin as
paper, and do not tear the dough. Spread one quart of sour apples,
peeled and cut fine, one-quarter pound of almonds blanched and chopped,
one-half cup of raisins and currants, one cup of sugar and one teaspoon
of cinnamon, evenly over three-quarters of the dough, and drop over them
a few tablespoons of melted butter. Trim edges. Roll the dough over
apples on one side, then hold cloth high with both hands and the strudel
will roll itself over and over into one big roll, trim edges again. Then
twist the roll to fit the greased pan. Bake in a hot oven until brown
and crisp and brush with melted butter. If juicy small fruits or berries
are used, sprinkle bread crumbs over the stretched dough to absorb the
juices. Serve slightly warm.

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Scalloped potato recipes

First Scalloped potatoes recipe

Grease a pan with butter. Choose the potatoes that are so big or
misshapen you wouldn't want to use them for boiling or baking. Cut them
in thin slices. Spread them in the pan in a layer an inch thick.
Sprinkle with pepper and salt to taste. Dot with butter here and there,
perhaps a half teaspoon for each layer. Four or six bits of butter
should be sprinkled over each layer. Repeat the layers of the raw
potatoes until the pan is full. Cover them with milk. Place in the oven
and cook for one hour.

Another scalloped potato recipe

Cut two cups of cold potatoes into cubes; mix well with two cups of
cream sauce, adding more seasoning if necessary; pour into a baking
dish; cover with one cup of bread crumbs and dot with small pieces of
butter and bake for about half an hour.

