


Scald the tea-pot. Allow one teaspoon of tea to each person, and one
extra. When the water boils, pour off the water with which the pot was
scalded, put in the tea, and pour boiling water over it. Let it draw
three minutes. Tea should never be allowed to remain on the leaves. If
not drunk as soon as it is drawn, it should be poured off into another
hot tea-pot, or into a hot jug, which should stand in hot water.

Tea (Russian style)

Use a small earthenware tea-pot, thoroughly clean. Put in two teaspoons
of tea leaves, pour over it boiling water to one-fourth of the pot, and
let it stand three minutes. Then fill the pot entirely with boiling
water and let it stand five minutes. In serving dilute with warm water
to suit taste, or serve cold, but always without milk. A thin slice of
lemon or a few drops of lemon juice is allowed for each cup. Preserved
strawberries, cherries or raspberries are considered an improvement.

Russian iced tea

Make tea for as many cups as desired, strain and cool. Place in ice-box,
chill thoroughly and serve in tall glass with ice and flavor with loaf
sugar, one teaspoon of rum or brandy, one slice of lemon or one teaspoon
preserved strawberries, raspberries, cherries or pineapple, or loaf
sugar may be flavored with lemon or orange and packed and stored in jars
to be used later to flavor and sweeten the tea. Wash the rind of lemon
or orange and wipe dry, then rub over all sides of the sugar.

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