
Maple sugar icing

Boil two cups of maple sugar with one-half cup of boiling water until it threads from the spoon. Pour it upon the beaten whites of two eggs and beat until cold. Spread between layers and on top of cake. Do not make icings on cloudy or rainy days.

Maple mousse recipe

Whip one pint of cream until quite thick. Break two eggs into another bowl, beat until light and add gradually, one-half cup of maple syrup.
When the two are well mixed, whip them gradually into the cream. Pour the whole into a freezer can, without the dasher; cover; pack in ice and salt, and let stand for three hours.

Maple bisque recipe

Boil one cup of maple syrup until quite thick; beat yolks of three eggs; add to syrup while hot, stirring constantly until well mixed. Let cool.
Beat whites of eggs to a froth. Whip one pint of cream, mix all together; add one-half cup of chopped nuts. Have a pudding-mold buttered; see that the edges fit close. Pack in rock salt and ice four hours.



Anonymous melekler korusun final said...

nice post thank you

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Tyrone Hayes said...

Pour it upon the beaten whites of two eggs and beat until cold. Spread between layers and on top of cake. Do not make icings on cloudy or rainy days.

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Credit Union said...

These sound awesome! Plus with the eggs... i can justify them because of their protein content :)

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Cefzil said...

I was searching for blogs related to maple recipes. Great work .My kids will love it.


1:11 AM  

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