Caraway seed cookies


Beat three-quarters of a pound of butter and a pound of sugar to a
cream; add three eggs, one saltspoon of salt, a gill of caraway seeds
and a teaspoon of powdered mace, stirring all well together to a cream;
then pour in a cup of sour milk in which a level teaspoon of baking-soda
is stirred.

Hold the cup over the mixing bowl while stirring in the soda, as it will
foam over the cup. Last of all stir in enough sifted flour to make a
light dough, stiff enough to roll thin. Roll on a pastry board well
dusted with flour. Cut in round shapes and place in baking-tins well
rubbed with flour.

Sprinkle a little sugar over the cookies and bake them in a moderate
oven till a light brown. When cool, carefully lift the cookies from the
pans with a pancake turner.



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