Noodles cakes kosher recipes
Sift two cups of flour with three teaspoons of salt in it, make into a dough by adding enough sweet milk to make soft as biscuit dough. Break off small pieces and roll between the hands in the shape of croquettes.
Now put one-half cup of rendered butter in a skillet that has a top to it; when the butter is hot, lay in the pieces of dough (do not put too many in at one time), throw in one-half cup of cold water, put on the cover and let cook until the water is cooked out and noodles are brown on one side. Remove the cover and brown on the other side.
Make a noodle dough with as many eggs as desired, roll out somewhat thin, cut in strips four inches long by one inch wide.
Have a skillet half full of boiling hot chicken fat; drop in the strips, a few at a time, baste with the hot grease until brown on both sides.
Remove to a platter, sprinkle generously with powdered sugar and cinnamon, and serve.
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