Some fruit souces

Lemon sauce

Boil one cup of sugar with one-half cup of water, rind of one lemon,
juice of two, and one-half teaspoon of butter. When boiling stir in a
scant teaspoon of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Serve
hot. Serve with puddings or fritters.

Another Lemon sauce

Boil the strained juice of two lemons and the grated peel of one with a
cup of sugar and one glass of white wine or water. When boiled to a
syrup add the yolks of three eggs well beaten, also half of the whites
beaten to a froth. Use the other half of the stiffly-beaten whites,
sweetened with powdered sugar, to decorate the sauce. Serve immediately.

Prune sauce

Take about one pound of Turkish prunes, wash them in hot water, and put
on to boil in cold water. Boil until they are very soft. Remove the pits
or kernels, and strain over them the water they were boiled in, sweeten
to taste. Flavor with ground cinnamon, then mash them until a soft mush.
If too thick, add the juice of an orange.



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