Coffee recipes


Coffee should be bought in small quantities and kept in air-tight cans, freshly ground as needed. To have perfect coffee, use an china pot or earthen, and have the water boiling when turned onto the coffee. Like a tea, the results will not be right if water is allowed to fall below the boiling point before it is used. Have the coffee ground to a fine powder in order to get full coffee flavor as well as strength.

Coffee cup

Filtered coffee

Place one cup of finely ground coffee in the strainer of the percolator; place the strainer in the pot and place over the heat. Add gradually six cups of boiling water and allow it to filter. Serve at once.

Boiled coffee

Use one tablespoon of coffee to each cup of boiling water or mix coffee with two tablespoons of cold water. Clean egg shells and put in the pot. Allow this to come to a boil and add boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for one minute. Add a tablespoon of cold water to assist the grounds in settling. Stand the pot where it will keep hot, but not boil, for five minutes. Then serve at once, as coffee allowed to stand becomes flat and loses its aroma. Most cooks use a clean shell or a little of the white of an egg if they do not use the whole. Others beat the whole egg, with a little water, but use only a part of it, keeping the rest for further use in a covered glass in the ice-chest. Cream is usually served with coffee, but scalded milk renders the coffee more digestible than does cream. Fill the cup one-fourth full of hot scalded milk. Pour on the freshly made coffee, adding sugar.

kosher coffee

Coffee for twenty people

Add and mix one pound of coffee finely ground, with one egg and enough cold water to thoroughly moisten it, cover and let stand several hours. Place in thin bag and drop in seven quarts of boiling water. Boil five minutes, let stand ten minutes. Add cream to coffee and serve.
After-dinner coffee is made double the strength of boiled coffee and is
served without cream or milk.

Turkish coffee

For making this the coffee must be pulverized, and it should be made over an alcohol lamp with a little brass Turkish pot. Measure into your pot as many after-dinner coffee cups of water as you wish cups of coffee. Bring the water to a boil and drop a heaping teaspoon of the powdered coffee to each cup on top of the water and allow it to settle.
Add one, two or three coffeespoons of powdered sugar, as desired. Put the pot again over the flame; bring the coffee to a boil three times, and pour into the cups. The grounds of the coffee are of course thick in the liquid, so one lets the coffee stand a moment in the cup before drinking.

big coffee

French coffee

Have your coffee ground very fine and use a French drip coffee-pot. Instead of pouring through water, pour milk through, brought just to the boiling point. The milk passes through slowly, and care must be taken not to let scum form on the milk.




Salads are divided into two groups, dinner salads and the more
substantial ones served at supper and luncheon in the place of meats.
They are exceedingly wholesome.

Nearly all the meats, vegetables, and fruits may be served as salads.
The essential thing is to have the salad fresh and cold; and if green,
to have the leaves crisp and dry.

Lettuce, Romaine, endive and chicory or escarole make the best dinner
salads, although one may use mixed cooked vegetables or well-prepared
uncooked cabbage.

Left-over green vegetables, string beans, peas, carrots, turnips,
cauliflower, cooked spinach, leeks and beets may all take their place in
the dinner salad. Use them mixed, alone, or as a garnish for lettuce.

Lettuce and all green, raw salad vegetables should be washed and soaked
in cold water as soon as they come from the market. After they have
stood fifteen to twenty minutes in cold or ice water, free them from
moisture by swinging them in a wire basket, or dry, without bruising,
each leaf carefully with a napkin. Put them in a cheese-cloth bag and on
the ice, ready for service. In this way they will remain dry and cold,
and will keep nicely for a week.

The dressing is added only at the moment of serving, as the salad wilts
if allowed to stand after the dressing is added.

Meat of any kind used for salads should be cut into dice, but not
smaller than one-half inch, or it will seem like hash. It should be
marinated before being mixed with the other parts of the salad. Meat
mixtures are usually piled in cone-shape on a dish, the mayonnaise then
spread over it, and garnished with lettuce, capers, hard-boiled eggs,
gherkins, etc.

To Marinate

Take one part of oil and three of vinegar, with pepper
and salt for taste; stir them into the meat, and let it stand a couple
of hours; drain off any of the marinade which has not been absorbed
before combining the meat with the other parts of the salad. Use only
enough marinade to season the meat or fish.

If too much vinegar is added to mayonnaise it robs it of its consistency
and flavor. All salads must be mixed at the last minute, at serving
time. Mayonnaise dressing may be made hours before and the meat, lettuce
and celery prepared, but each must be kept in a separate dish until
mixing time.

Roast turkey kosher recipe


Singe and clean the turkey the same as chicken. Fill with plain bread
stuffing or chestnut stuffing. Tie down the legs and rub entire surface
with salt and let stand overnight. Next morning place in large drippings
or roasting-pan on rack and spread breast, legs and wings with one-third
cup of fat creamed and mixed with one-fourth cup of flour. Dredge bottom
of pan with flour. Place in a hot oven and when the flour on the turkey
begins to brown, reduce the heat and add two cups of boiling water or
the stock in which the giblets are cooking, and baste with one-fourth
cup of fat and three-fourths cup of boiling water. When this is all
used, baste with the fat in the pan. Baste every fifteen minutes until
tender; do not prick with a fork, press with the fingers; if the breast
meat and leg are soft to the touch the turkey is done. If the oven is
too hot, cover the pan; turn the turkey often, that it may brown nicely.
Remove strings and skewers and serve on hot platter. Serve with giblet
sauce and cranberry sauce. If the turkey is very large it will require
three hours or more, a small one will require only an hour and a half.

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Artichokes recipes


French artichokes have a large scaly head, like the cone of a pine tree.
The flower buds are used before they open.

The edible portion consists of the thickened portion at the base of the
scales and the receptacle to which the leaf-like scales are attached.

When the artichoke is very young and tender the edible parts may be
eaten raw as a salad. When it becomes hard, as it does very quickly, it
must be cooked. When boiled it may be eaten as a salad or with a sauce.
The scales are pulled with the fingers from the cooked head, the base of
each leaf dipped in a sauce and then eaten.

The bottoms (receptacles), which many consider the most delicate part of
the artichoke, may be cut up and served as a salad, or they may be
stewed and served with a sauce. To prepare the artichoke remove all the
hard outer leaves. Cut off the stem close to the leaves. Cut off the top
of the bud. Drop the artichokes into boiling water and cook until
tender, which will take from thirty to fifty minutes, then take up and
remove the choke. Serve a dish of French salad dressing with the
artichokes, which may be eaten either hot or cold. Melted butter also
makes a delicious sauce for the artichokes if they are eaten hot.


This vegetable is in season in the fall and spring, and may be cooked
like kohl-rabi and served in a white cream or sauce. The artichoke may
also be cooked in milk.

When this is done, cut the washed and peeled artichoke into cubes, put
in a stew-pan, and cover with milk (a generous pint to a quart of
cubes). Add one small onion and cook twenty minutes. Beat together one
tablespoon of butter and one level tablespoon of flour, and stir this
into the boiling milk. Then season with one teaspoon of salt and
one-fourth teaspoon of pepper, and continue the cooking one-half hour
longer. The cooking should be done in a double boiler. The artichoke
also makes a very good soup.


Pick off from the solid green globes the outer tough petals. Scoop out
with a sharp-pointed knife the fuzzy centres, leaving the soft base,
which is the luscious morsel. Cut each artichoke in halves, wash, drain
and fry brown on each side in olive oil Make tomato sauce and cook
thirty minutes in that mixture. Then serve.

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Boiled cheese and other cheese recepes


Press one quart of fine cottage cheese through a coarse sieve or
colander and set it away in a cool place for a week, stirring it once or
twice during that time; when it has become quite strong, stir it smooth
with a wooden or silver spoon; add a saltspoon of salt and one-fourth as
much of caraway seed, yolks of two eggs and an even tablespoon of flour
which has been previously dissolved in about one-half cup of cold milk;
stir the flour and milk until it is a smooth paste, adding a lump of
butter, about the size of an egg; add all to the cheese. Put the cheese
on to boil until quite thick; stirring occasionally; boil altogether
about one-half hour, stirring constantly the last ten minutes; the
cheese must look smooth as velvet. Pour it into a dish which has been
previously rinsed in cold water. Set it away in a cool place; to keep it
any length of time, cover it with a clean cloth which has been dipped in
and wrung out of beer. This cheese is excellent for rye bread


Heat sour milk slowly until the whey rises to the top; pour it off, put
the curd in a bag and let it dry for six hours without squeezing it.
Pour it into a bowl and break it fine with a wooden spoon. Season with
salt. Mold into balls and keep in a cool place. It is best when fresh.


Take one cake of cream cheese, one-quarter of a pound of chopped figs,
one-quarter of a pound of chopped walnuts, roll into balls and serve on
lettuce leaves.


Mix one cake Neufchatel cheese, a piece of butter the size of the
cheese, one tablespoon of cream, one-quarter teaspoon of salt and six
dashes of Tabasco Sauce and form one large ball or several small ones
and roll in chopped pecan nuts.


Dissolve one and one-half tablespoons of butter, add one tablespoon of
flour, stir until it loosens from the pan; add one and one-half cups of
rich milk, pepper and salt. Take from the fire, add gradually four egg
yolks and three-quarters of a cup of grated cheese, then the stiffly
beaten whites of eggs. Bake in a hot oven in china ramekins about
fifteen minutes and serve immediately.

General directions for making cakes

Use only the best material in making cake.

Gather together all ingredients and utensils that are required. If tins are to be greased, do so the first thing; some cakes require greased or buttered paper, if so, have paper cut the size that is needed and butter the paper.

All measurements are level. See "Measurement of Food Materials".

Use pastry flour. Sift flour twice at least and measure after sifting. Measure or weigh the sugar, butter, milk and flour. In measuring butter always pack the cup so as to be sure to get the proper quantity. Use the half-pint measuring cup.

If fruit is to be used, wash and dry it the day before it is needed. Dust with flour just before using, and mix with the hand till each piece is powdered so that all will mix evenly with the dough instead of sinking to the bottom.

A few necessary implements for good cake making are a pair of scales, a wooden spoon, two wire egg-whips, one for the yolks and the other for the whites of eggs.

A ten-inch mixing-bowl, and two smaller bowls.

Two spatula or leveling knives.

A set of aluminum spoons of standard sizes.

For convenience, cakes are divided into two classes: Those containing butter or a butter substitute and cake containing no shortening.

The rules for mixing cakes with butter are:

Break the eggs, dropping each in a saucer or cup. If the whites and yolks are to be used separately divide them as you break the eggs and beat both well before using; the yolks until light and the whites to a stiff froth, so stiff that you can turn the dish upside down and the eggs will adhere to the dish.

Rub the butter to a cream which should be done with a wooden spoon in a deep bowl, add the sugar gradually. In winter set the bowl over hot water for a few minutes as the butter will then cream more easily. Add the yolks or the whole eggs, one at a time, to creamed butter and sugar.
Sift the baking-powder with the last cup of flour, add flour and milk alternately until both are beaten thoroughly into the mixture, add beaten whites of eggs last to the dough and then set in the oven immediately.

Sponge cakes and cakes that do not contain butter and milk must never be stirred, but the ingredients beaten in, being careful to beat with an upward stroke. Separate the yolks of the eggs from the whites, and beat the yolks with an egg-beater until they are thick and lemon-colored.
Then add the sugar, a little at a time, beating constantly. Now beat the whites until they are stiff and dry; add them; the flour should be added last and folded lightly through. Every stroke of the spoon after flour is added tends to toughen the batter. Bake at once. All sponge cakes and torten should be baked in ungreased molds.

Kosher Chicken soup and broth


Take one large chicken, cook with four quarts of water for two or three
hours. Skim carefully, when it begins to boil add parsley root, an
onion, some asparagus, cut into bits. Season with salt, strain and beat
up the yolk of an egg with one tablespoon of cold water, add to soup
just before serving. This soup should not be too thin. Rice, barley,
noodles or dumplings may be added. Make use of the chicken, either for
salad or stew.


Take the carcass of a cold, cooked chicken and break into small pieces.
Add one-half cup of chopped celery and one onion chopped fine. Cover
with cold water; simmer slowly for two hours. Strain, add salt and
pepper to taste.


Cut the chicken into small pieces and place it in a deep earthen dish;
add one quart of water; cover it and set over a kettle of boiling water,
letting it steam until the meat of the chicken has become very tender.
Strain off the broth and let it stand over night. In the morning remove
the fat and return the liquid to the original earthen dish.

Mohn recipes - kosher


Roll out a piece of dough large enough to cover your whole baking-board,
roll thin. Let it rise until you have prepared the filling; grind one
cup of black poppy seed in a coffee-mill as tight as possible and clean
it well, throw away the first bit you grind so as not to have the coffee
taste; put it on to boil with one cup of milk, add two tablespoons of
butter, one-half cup of seeded raisins, one-half cup of walnuts or
almonds chopped up fine, two tablespoons of molasses or syrup, and a
little citron cut up fine. When thick, set it away to cool, and if not
sweet enough add more sugar and flavor with vanilla. When this mixture
has cooled, spread on the dough which has risen by this time. Take up
one corner and roll it up, into a long roll, like a jelly-roll, put in a
greased pan and let it rise an hour, then spread butter on top and bake
very slowly. Let it get quite brown, so as to bake through thoroughly.
When cold cut up in slices, as many as you are going to use at one time


Take coffee cake dough. Let the dough rise again; for an hour, spread
with a poppy seed mixture, after cutting into squares, fold into
triangles and pinch the edges together. Lay in well-buttered pans, about
two inches apart, and let them rise again, spread with poppy seed
filling. Take one-half pound of poppy seed (mohn) which have previously
been soaked in milk and then ground, add one-quarter of a pound of sugar
and the yolks of three eggs. Stir this all together in one direction
until quite thick and then stir in the beaten whites to which you must
add two ounces of sifted flour and one-quarter of a pound of melted
butter. Fill the tartlets and bake. The poppy seed filling in Mohn Roley
Poley may be used in the Mohn Wachtel if so desired.


Line a deep pie-plate with a thin sheet of kuchen dough, let it rise
about half an hour, then fill with a poppy seed filling same as used
with Mohn Wachtel. Fill the pie-plates and bake.


Roll coffee cake dough out quite thin, spread with melted butter (a
brush is best for this purpose). Let it rise a little while, then
sprinkle well with one cup of sugar, add one-half pound of ground poppy
seed moistened with one-half cup of water, cut into strips about an inch
wide and four-inches long; roll and put in a well-buttered pan to rise,
leaving enough space between each and brush, with butter. Bake in
moderate oven at first, then increase the heat; bake slowly.

Corn muffins recipe

CORN MUFFINS, 1st version

Beat the yolks and whites of two eggs separately. Add to this two cups
of flour, of which one is a full cup of white and three-quarters of the
corn-meal. This must be sifted three times. Put into this flour two
teaspoons of baking-powder, together with a pinch of salt. Mix the
prepared flour with a little boiling water, adding the eggs; also a
little sugar may be put in, if desired. Then add enough tepid milk to
make the mixture into a batter, after which pour into your pans; or, if
corn-bread is desired, into the plain pan (thin). Bake in a quick oven.
This quantity makes a dozen muffins. Butter your pan well, or the small
gem-pans, according to which is used, and in so doing heat the pan a

CORN MUFFINS, 2nd version

Mix one cup of white flour; one-half cup of corn-meal, one tablespoon of
sugar, one-half teaspoon of salt and one-half teaspoon of soda, add one
egg beaten into one cup of sour milk and one tablespoon of melted
butter. Beat thoroughly and bake in well-greased tins.

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Pickle - pickles - on many ways


Soak five hundred tiny cucumbers in salt water for twenty-four hours, using one-half of a cup of salt to four quarts of water. Drain, pour hot water over them and drain very dry. Take two ounces of cloves, heads removed, four sticks cinnamon; tie these spices in a bag and heat with three pounds of brown sugar and one pint of cider vinegar slowly, nearly to the boiling-point, add the pickles and remove from the stove. Put in glass jars and cover with vinegar.


Wash one quart of large cucumbers, cut in cubes, one quart of small cucumbers left whole, one quart small silver-skinned onions, one quart small green tomatoes chopped coarse, two red peppers chopped fine, one large cauliflower broken in small pieces; pour over them a weak brine solution made of one quart of water and a cup of salt. Let stand twenty-four hours; bring to a boil in same solution, drain and make the dressing.

*Mixed Pickle Dressing.*--Mix six tablespoons of mustard, one tablespoon of turmeric, one cup of flour, two cups of sugar and two quarts of vinegar. These ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and then cooked until thick. Stir in the pickles; heat thoroughly; empty into glass jars and stand away until needed.


Separate flowerettes of four heads of cauliflower, add one cup of salt, and let stand overnight. Place in colander, rinse with cold water and let drain. Tie one-quarter of a cup of mixed pickle spices in a thin bag and boil with two quarts of vinegar and two cups of sugar, throw in the cauliflower, boil a few minutes and pour to over flowing in wide-mouthed bottles or cans. Cork or cover and seal airtight.


Remove the strings and cut one pint of wax beans into one inch pieces; wash and cook in boiling salt water (one teaspoon of salt to one quart of water), until tender, but not soft. Drain beans and save the water in which they were cooked. Reserve enough of this bean liquor to fill cans, add one-half cup of sugar and one cup of vinegar, let just cook up add the drained beans, cook all together and pour boiling hot into the cans. Seal at once. Use as a salad or sweet sour vegetable.


Pour hot salt water over the onions, which should be small and perfectly white. Peel them with a silver spoon (a knife would injure their color), and let them lay in a salt brine for two days. Then drain the onions and boil enough vinegar to cover them. Throw the onions in the boiling vinegar and let them boil only a few minutes. Take from the fire and lay them in glass jars, with alternate layers of whole white peppercorns and a few cloves (removing the soft heads, which would turn the onions
black), a stick of horseradish sliced, and mustard seed and dill (used sparingly). When the jars are filled heat the vinegar and add a cup of sugar to a gallon of vinegar. Cover the jars to overflowing with the vinegar, and seal while hot.


Wash thoroughly a peck of green tomatoes, eight large white onions and six green-bell peppers. Remove the seeds from the peppers. Slice all the vegetables very thin. Put them in a stone jar; sprinkle a pint of salt over them, add a pint of cold water. Cover them with a napkin and let stand overnight.

In the morning put as much of the pickle as it will hold in a colander; let cold water run over; drain the vegetables a moment, then turn them from the colander into a large preserving kettle. Repeat the process till all are in the kettle. Then add a quart of cider vinegar, a half pint of tarragon vinegar, a pound of granulated sugar, a half pound of yellow mustard seeds, four bay leaves, an ounce of stick cinnamon
(broken in short lengths), six whole cloves and stand the kettle over a slow fire and let the whole simmer for an hour with the cover of the kettle drawn back two inches. Stir the mixture frequently. At the end of the hour put the pickle in a stone crock or in glass jars.

Baking-powder batters

Batter is a mixture of flour with sufficient liquid to make it thin
enough to be beaten.

Pour-batter requires one measure of liquid to one measure of flour.

Drop-batter requires one measure of liquid to two measures of flour.

To make a batter. Sift flour before measuring. Put flour by spoonfuls
into the cup; do not press or shake down. Mix and sift dry ingredients.
Measure dry, then liquid ingredients, shortening may be rubbed or
chopped in while cold, or creamed; or it may be melted and then added to
dry ingredients, or added after the liquid. Use two teaspoons of
baking-powder to one cup of flour. If eggs are used, less baking-powder
will be required.

When sour milk is used, take one level teaspoon of soda to a pint of
milk; when molasses is used, take one teaspoon of soda or baking-powder
to each cup of molasses.

Mix dry materials in one bowl and liquids in another, combine them
quickly, handle as little as possible and put at once into the oven.

The oven for baking biscuits should be hot enough to brown a teaspoon of
flour in one minute.
