Mohn recipes - kosher
Roll out a piece of dough large enough to cover your whole baking-board,
roll thin. Let it rise until you have prepared the filling; grind one
cup of black poppy seed in a coffee-mill as tight as possible and clean
it well, throw away the first bit you grind so as not to have the coffee
taste; put it on to boil with one cup of milk, add two tablespoons of
butter, one-half cup of seeded raisins, one-half cup of walnuts or
almonds chopped up fine, two tablespoons of molasses or syrup, and a
little citron cut up fine. When thick, set it away to cool, and if not
sweet enough add more sugar and flavor with vanilla. When this mixture
has cooled, spread on the dough which has risen by this time. Take up
one corner and roll it up, into a long roll, like a jelly-roll, put in a
greased pan and let it rise an hour, then spread butter on top and bake
very slowly. Let it get quite brown, so as to bake through thoroughly.
When cold cut up in slices, as many as you are going to use at one time
Take coffee cake dough. Let the dough rise again; for an hour, spread
with a poppy seed mixture, after cutting into squares, fold into
triangles and pinch the edges together. Lay in well-buttered pans, about
two inches apart, and let them rise again, spread with poppy seed
filling. Take one-half pound of poppy seed (mohn) which have previously
been soaked in milk and then ground, add one-quarter of a pound of sugar
and the yolks of three eggs. Stir this all together in one direction
until quite thick and then stir in the beaten whites to which you must
add two ounces of sifted flour and one-quarter of a pound of melted
butter. Fill the tartlets and bake. The poppy seed filling in Mohn Roley
Poley may be used in the Mohn Wachtel if so desired.
Line a deep pie-plate with a thin sheet of kuchen dough, let it rise
about half an hour, then fill with a poppy seed filling same as used
with Mohn Wachtel. Fill the pie-plates and bake.
Roll coffee cake dough out quite thin, spread with melted butter (a
brush is best for this purpose). Let it rise a little while, then
sprinkle well with one cup of sugar, add one-half pound of ground poppy
seed moistened with one-half cup of water, cut into strips about an inch
wide and four-inches long; roll and put in a well-buttered pan to rise,
leaving enough space between each and brush, with butter. Bake in
moderate oven at first, then increase the heat; bake slowly.
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