Peach pies recipes

Peach cream pie

Line a pie-plate with a rich crust and bake, then fill with a layer of
sweetened grated peaches which have had a few pounded peach kernels
added to them. Whip one cup of rich cream, sweeten and flavor and spread
over the peaches. Set in ice-chest until wanted.

Peach pie, No. 1

Line a pie-plate with a rich pie-crust, cover thickly with peaches that
have been pared and sliced fine (canned peaches may be used when others
are not to be had), adding; sugar and cover with strips of dough; bake

Peach pie, No. 2

Pare, stone, and slice the peaches. Line a deep pie-plate with a rich
paste, sprinkle a little flour over the bottom crust and lay in your
fruit, sprinkle sugar liberally over them in proportion to their
sweetness. Add a few peach kernels, pounded fine, to each pie and bake
with crossbars of paste across the top. If you want it extra fine, with
the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth and sweeten with about four
tablespoons of pulverized sugar, adding one-fourth of a teaspoon of
cream tartar, spread over the pie and return to the oven until the
meringue is set. Eat cold.


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