Cream cheese recipe


Sweet milk is allowed to stand until it is like a jelly, but does not
separate. Then it is poured into a cheese-cloth bag and hung up to drain
until all the water is out of it and only the rich creamy substance
remains. Sometimes it takes from twelve to twenty-four hours. At the end
of this time the cheese is turned from the bag into a bowl; then to
every pint of the cheesy substance a tablespoon of butter is added and
enough salt to season it palatably. Then it is whipped up with a fork
until it is a smooth paste and enough put on a plate to make a little
brick, like a Philadelphia cheese. With two knives, one in each hand,
lightly press the cheese together in the shape of a brick, smooth it
over the top and put it away to cool. One quart of rich sour milk will
make a good sized cheese.

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Buns recipe


Make same as tea rolls. When well risen mold into small round buns;
place in well-greased pans, one inch apart. Coyer set aside to rise
until light--about one hour. Brush with egg diluted with water; bake
twenty minutes, just before removing from the oven, brush with sugar
moistened with a little water.


Boil two large potatoes and strain the water into a pitcher, dissolve
two-thirds cake of yeast in a cup. Put potatoes in a pan with a cup of
sugar; large lump of butter, and teaspoon of salt. The heat of potatoes
will melt the sugar and butter. Mash with large masher to a cream; pour
in rest of potato water, add pint of flour and mix together. Then cover
and set in a warm place all night. In the morning add more flour, mix
quickly and put currants or raisins in as you turn the dough. This will
keep them from settling in the bottom of the bread. Put in hot pans and
bake in a hot oven. This makes a delicious holiday bread. Eat with
butter, hot or cold.



Put fresh lettuce leaves, washed and dried, between thin layers of
bread. Spread with Mayonnaise or Boiled Dressing.


Take either ripe or green olives; remove the seeds; mince and mix
thoroughly with Mayonnaise dressing. Spread between slices of
whole-wheat or graham bread.


Remove the skin and bones from the sardines. Rub to a paste, adding an
equal quantity of chopped hard-boiled eggs, seasoned with salt, cayenne,
lemon juice or vinegar. Moisten with melted butter and spread between
slices of bread.

Curried potatoes and Potato cakes


Melt two tablespoons of fat in a frying-pan; add one onion chopped fine
and cook until straw color. Add two cups of boiled potatoes, cut in
dice, one-half cup of stock, and one tablespoon of curry powder. Cook
until the stock has been absorbed; then add one-half teaspoon of salt, a
dash of red pepper, and one teaspoon of lemon juice.


Take cold mashed potatoes or cold baked or boiled potatoes that have
been mashed and seasoned; roll into balls, dusting the hands well with
flour first. Flatten into cakes and saute in butter, or place on a
buttered tin with a small piece of butter on the top of each and bake in
a hot oven until golden brown.

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Ohemian potato puff

Pare, wash and boil potatoes until soft enough to mash well. Drain off
nearly all the water, leaving just a little; add one teaspoon of salt
and return to the stove. It is better to boil the potatoes in salt water
and add more salt if necessary after mashing. Sift one-half cup of flour
into the potatoes after returning to the fire and keep covered closely
for about five minutes. Then remove from the stove and mash them as hard
as you can, so as not to have any lumps. They must be of the consistency
of dough and smooth as velvet. Now put about two tablespoons of
drippings or goose-fat in a spider, chop up some onions very fine and
heat them until they become a light-brown, take a tablespoon and dip it
in the hot fat and then cut a spoonful of the potato dough with the same
spoon and put it in the spider, and so on until you have used all. Be
careful to dip your spoon in the hot fat every time you cut a puff. Let
them brown slightly.

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French coffee cake (Savarin)


Soak one cake of compressed yeast in a little lukewarm water or milk.
Put the yeast in a cup, add two tablespoons of lukewarm water, a pinch
of salt and one tablespoon of sugar, stir it up well with a spoon and
set back of the stove to rise. Rub one-half cup of butter to a cream,
add one-third cup of powdered sugar and stir constantly in one
direction. Add the yolks of four eggs, one at a time, and the grated
peel of a lemon. Sift two cups of flour into a bowl, make a depression
in the centre of the flour, pour in the yeast and one cup of lukewarm
milk. Stir and make a light batter of this. Add the creamed butter and
eggs, stir until it forms blisters and leaves the bowl clean; one-half
cup of dark raisins, one-half cup of pounded almonds and a little
citron, cut up very fine, and last the stiff-beaten whites of the eggs.
Fill your cake forms which have been well-greased, set in a warm place
to rise until double in bulk, about forty-five minutes, and bake in a
moderate oven forty-five minutes. Fill the centre with whipped cream and
serve with rum sauce.

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Tipsy pudding and Apple and Lady-fingerpudding


Cut stale sponge cake into thin slices, spread with jelly or preserves,
put two pieces together like sandwiches and lay each slice or sandwich
on the plate on which it is to be served. Wet each piece with wine, pour
or spread a tablespoon of rich custard over each piece of pudding, and
then frost each piece with a frosting and put in a moderate oven for a
few minutes. Eat cold.


Core and peel apples, take top off, chop the top with almonds, citron
and raisins; butter your pan, fill apples, sugar them and pour over a
little wine, bake until tender; when cool add four yolks of eggs beaten
with one cup of sugar, then last, add beaten whites and eight lady
fingers rolled, and juice of one whole lemon; pour over apples, bake.
Eat cold.

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Canning in the preserving kettle is less satisfactory; but is sometimes considered easier, especially for small fruits. Cook the fruit according to the directions and see that all jars, covers and utensils are carefully sterilized. When ready to put the fruit in the jars, put a broad skimmer under one, lift it and drain off the water. Set it in a shallow pan of boiling water or wrap it well in a heavy towel wrung out of boiling water; fill to overflowing with the fruit and slip a silver-plated knife around the inside of the jar to make sure that fruit and juice are solidly packed. Wipe the rim of the jar; dip the rubber ring in boiling water, place it on the jar; cover and remove the jar, placing it upside down on a board, well out of drafts until cool. Then tighten the covers, if screw covers are used; wipe the jars with a wet cloth and stand on shelves in a cool, dark closet.

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BLINTZES recipes


Make dough as directed for cheese blintzes. Filling may be made of force meat, highly seasoned; fry in hot fat, or filling may be made of one-half pound of apples, peeled and cored and then minced with one ounce of ground sweet almonds, one ounce of powdered sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, juice of one-half lemon; mix well and bind with the beaten white of egg.

Spread either of these mixtures on the dough, fold over and tuck edges in well. Fry in plenty of oil or fat.

Sprinkle those containing the fruit mixture with sugar and cinnamon. These may be served either hot or cold.


These little pancakes may be filled with the fruit filling in following recipe; or with a poppy seed filling using one cup of seed and adding one cup of sugar, moistening with one-half cup of water. The recipe given for the dough makes only six blintzes and where more are required double or triple the quantities given to make amount desired.

For Purim, fold blintzes in triangular shapes. Fry as directed.

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The tin molds are best for this purpose, either melon, round, or brick. If the mold is buttered first, then sprinkled with granulated sugar, a nice crust will form. Have a large, deep pan filled with boiling water.
Place mold in, let water come up to rim, put a heavy weight on top of mold to keep down, and boil steadily. The pan must be constantly replenished with boiling water, if the pudding is to be done in time.
Always place paper in top of mold to prevent water from penetrating.
When puddings are boiled in bags, a plate must be placed in bottom of pan to prevent burning. Only certain puddings can be boiled in bags.
Always grease inside of bag, so puddings will slip out easily. A bag made of two thicknesses of cheese-cloth, stitched together, will do.
Always leave room in mold or bag for pudding to rise, using a smaller or larger mold according to quantity of pudding. If not boiled steadily, and emptied as soon as done, puddings will fall and stick.



Heat one quart of milk to boiling point. Dissolve four large tablespoons of cornstarch in a quarter cup of cold milk. Beat two whole eggs with one-half cup of sugar until light, and add a tiny pinch of salt. When the milk begins to boil, add a piece of butter, size of a hickory nut, then pour it over the well-beaten eggs and sugar, mix well, and put back on the stove. Stir until it begins to boil, then stir in the dissolved cornstarch until the custard is very thick. Remove from the fire, flavor
with vanilla or lemon, pour into a mold, and set on ice till very cold and firm. Serve with cream.

A few soups recipes


Add to three quarts of liquor, in which fowls have been boiled, the following vegetables: three onions, two carrots, and one head of celery cut in small dice. Keep the kettle over a high heat until soup reaches the boiling point; then place where it will simmer for twenty-five minutes. Add one tablespoon of curry powder, one tablespoon of flour mixed together; add to the hot soup and cook five minutes. Pass through a sieve. Serve with small pieces of chicken or veal cut in it.


When the soup stock has been strained and every particle of fat removed, return it to the kettle to boil. When it boils hard stir in carefully quarter of a cup of farina, do this slowly to prevent the farina from forming lumps. Stir into the soup bowl the yolk of one egg, add a teaspoon of cold water. Pour the soup into the bowl gradually and stir constantly until all has been poured into the bowl. Serve at once.


Soak one-half cup of green kern in a bowl of water over night. Put on two pounds of soup meat, add a carrot, an onion, a stalk of celery, a sprig of parsley, one or two tomatoes, a potato, in fact any vegetable you may happen to have at hand. Cover up closely and let it boil slowly over a low heat three or four hours. Put the green kern on to boil in water slightly salted, as it boils down keep adding soup stock from the kettle of soup on the stove, always straining through a hair sieve, until all has been used. Serve as it is or strain through a colander and put pieces of toasted bread into the soup.

Another way of using the green kern is to grind it to a powder.


For six persons, select a piece of meat off the neck, about two and one-half pounds; add three quarts of water, an onion, one celery root, two carrots, a large potato, some parsley, three tomatoes and the giblets of poultry. Cook in a closely covered kettle, letting the soup simmer for four or five hours. Remove every bit of scum that rises.
Strain; add salt and remove every particle of fat; put in noodles; boil about five minutes and serve at once. If allowed to stand it will become thick.


Take one quart of hot bouillon, add a quarter pound barley which has been boiled in water; and one ounce of dried mushrooms which have been thoroughly washed and cut in pieces, an onion, carrot, bayleaf, parsley and dill. Boil all these and when the vegetables are nearly tender, remove from soup, add the meat from the bouillon, cut up in small pieces, let soup come to a boil and serve.

Cherry pie (2 recipes)

CHERRY PIE, recipe No. 1

Line a pie-plate with rich paste, sprinkle cornstarch lightly over the bottom crust and fill with cherries and regulate the quantity of sugar you scatter over them by their sweetness. Bake with an upper crust, secure the edges well by pinching firmly together. Eat cold.

CHERRY PIE, recipe No. 2

Pick the stems out of your cherries and put them in an earthen crock, then set them in the oven until they get hot. Take them out and seed them. Make tarts with or without tops and sugar to your taste. The heating of the fruit gives the flavor of the seed, which is very rich, but the seeding of them while hot is not a delightful job. Made this way they need no water for juice.

Grated apple pie recipe

Line a pie-plate with a rich puff paste. Pare and grate four or five large tart apples into a bowl into which you have stirred the yolks of two eggs with about half a cup of sugar. Add a few raisins, a few currants, a few pounded almonds, a pinch of ground cinnamon, and the grated peel of a lemon. Have no top crust. Bake in a quick oven. In the meantime, make a meringue of the whites of the eggs by beating them to a very stiff froth and add about three tablespoons of pulverized sugar.
Spread this over the pie when baked and set back in the oven until brown. Eat cold.

Macaroon tarts recipe

Line a gem or muffin-pan with rich pie dough; half fill each tart with any desired preserve, and bake in a quick oven. Beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth and add one-half pound of powdered sugar and stir about ten minutes or until very light, and gradually one-half pound of grated almonds. Divide this macaroon paste into equal portions. Roll and shape into strips, dusting hands with powdered sugar in place of flour. Place these strips on the baked tarts in parallel rows to cross each other diagonally. Return to oven and bake in a slow oven about fifteen minutes. Let remain in pans until almost cold.

Stewed prunes recipe

prunes food

Cleanse thoroughly, soak in water ten or twelve hours, adding a little granulated sugar when putting to soak, for although the fruit is sweet enough, yet experience has shown that the added sugar changes by chemical process into fruit sugar and brings out better the flavor of the fruit. After soaking, the fruit will assume its full size, and is
ready to be simmered on the back of the stove. Do not boil prunes, that is what spoils them. Simmer, simmer only. Keep lid on. Shake gently, do not stir, and never let boil. When tender they are ready for table.

Serve cold, and a little cream will make them more delicious. A little claret or sauterne poured over the prunes just as cooking is finished adds a flavor relished by many. Added just before simmering, a little sliced lemon or orange gives a rich color and flavor to the syrup.

Sauerkraut recipe

Line the bottom and sides of a clean barrel or keg with cabbage leaves. Cut into fine shreds one or two dozen large heads of white, crisp cabbage. Do this on a large slaw-cutter. Now begin to pack: First put in a layer of cabbage, say about four inches deep, and press down firmly and sprinkle with about four tablespoons of salt. Put one or two tart apples, cut up fine, between each layer, or some Malaga grapes (which
will impart a fine flavor to the kraut). When four layers have been put in, pound with a wooden beetle until the cabbage is quite compact and then add more cabbage, and so on until all has been salted, always pounding down each layer. Last, cover with cabbage leaves, then a clean cloth, a well-fitting board, and a heavy stone, to act as weight on top of all. It is now ready to set away in a cool cellar to ferment. In two weeks examine, remove the scum, if any; wash the cloth, board and stone, wash also the sides of the keg or jar, and place all back again. This must be done weekly.

Boiled fish

Kosher (kasher) boiled fish

To cook fish properly is very important, as no food, perhaps, is so insipid as fish if carelessly cooked. It must be well done and properly salted. A good rule to cook fish by is the following: Allow ten minutes to the first pound and five minutes for each additional pound; for example: boil a fish weighing five pounds thirty minutes. By pulling out a fin you may ascertain whether your fish is done; if it comes out
easily and the meat is an opaque white, your fish has boiled long enough. Always set your fish on to boil in hot water, hot from the teakettle, adding salt and a dash of vinegar to keep the meat firm; an onion, a head of celery and parsley roots are always an acceptable flavor to any kind of boiled fish, no matter what kind of sauce you intend to serve with the fish. If you wish to serve the fish whole, tie
it in a napkin and lay it on an old plate at the bottom of the kettle; if you have a regular "fish kettle" this is not necessary. In boiling fish avoid using too much water.

To thicken sauces, where flour is used, take a level teaspoon of flour to a cup of sauce, or the yolk of an egg to a cup of sauce.

APPLE PIE - 2 recipes


Pare, core and slice four apples. Line a pie-plate with plain pastry. Sprinkle with bread crumbs. Lay in the apples, sprinkle with one-half cup of sugar, flavor with cinnamon, nutmeg or lemon juice or two tablespoons of water if apples are not juicy. Cover with upper crust, slash and prick and bake in moderate oven until the crust is brown and the fruit is soft.


Put in saucepan one-half cup of sugar and one-fourth cup of water, let it boil a few minutes, then lay in five large apples or six small ones, which have previously been peeled and quartered; cover with a lid and steam until tender but not broken. Line pie-plate with rich milchig pastry, lay on the apples, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bits of butter drop a few drops of syrup over all and bake.

Jewish Sugar cookies

In a mixing bowl put a cup of sweet butter and two cups of granulated sugar; beat these ingredients to a cream, then add three eggs, grated lemon rind, and four tablespoons of brandy. Beat the added ingredients thoroughly with the others till the mixture is smooth and creamy. Sift three cups of flour in a big bowl with a teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of baking-powder; stir this a little at a time in the bowl with the other ingredients, until the mixture is a light dough, just stiff enough to roll out. If there is not enough flour, sift more in to make the dough the desired stiffness; then dust the pastry board well with flour, put part of the dough on the board, toss it lightly with your hands from side to side till the dough is covered with flour. Then dust the rolling-pin well with flour and roll the dough very thin; cut it in shapes with a cookie cutter, lift each cookie up carefully with a
pancake turner, slip them quickly in a big baking-pan, the inside of which has been well rubbed with flour, and bake them in a moderate oven till light brown.

Just a moment before taking the pan out of the oven sprinkle the surface of the cookies lightly with granulated sugar. When a little cool take the cookies out of the pan with the pancake turner and lay them on a big platter. When they are cold put the cookies in a stone crock.

It is a good plan to have two or three baking-pans so, while one panful is baking, another may be filled and be ready to put in the oven when the other is removed. Only put enough dough on the pastry board at a time to roll out nicely on it.

Sauce hollandaise

Mix one tablespoon of butter and one of flour in a saucepan and add gradually half a pint of boiling water. Stir until it just reaches the boiling point;
take from the fire and add the yolks of two eggs. Into another saucepan put a slice of onion, a bay leaf, and a clove of garlic;
add four tablespoons of vinegar, and stand this over the fire until the vinegar is reduced one-half. Turn this into the sauce, stir for a moment; strain through a fine sieve; add half a teaspoon of salt and serve. This sauce may be varied by adding lemon juice instead of vinegar, or by using the water in which the fish was boiled. It is one
of the daintiest of all sauces.

Fruit punch for twenty people

Take one pineapple, or one can of grated pineapple, one cup of boiling water, two cups of freshly made tea (one heaping tablespoon of Ceylon tea, steep for five minutes); one dozen lemons, three oranges sliced and quartered, one quart bottle apollinaris water, three cups of sugar boiled with one and one-half cups of water six to eight minutes, one quart of water, ice. Grate the pineapple, add the one cup of boiling water, and boil fifteen minutes. Strain through jelly-bag, pressing out all the juice; let cool, and add the lemon and orange juice, the tea and syrup. Add apollinaris water just before serving. Pieces of pineapple, strawberries, mint-leaves or slices of banana are sometimes added as a garnish.

"Compote of pears"and "Huckleberry compote"


It is not necessary to take a fine quality of pears for this purpose. Pare the fruit, leaving on the stems, and stew in sugar and a very little water. Flavor with stick cinnamon and a few cloves (take out the head of each clove) and when soft place each pear carefully on a platter until cold. Then arrange them nicely in a glass bowl or flat glass dish, the stems all on the outer rim. Pour over them the sauce, which should
be boiled thick like syrup. Eat cold.


Pick over a quart of huckleberries or blueberries, wash them and set to boil. Do not add any water to them. Sweeten with half a cup of sugar, and spice with half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Just before removing from the fire, add a teaspoon of cornstarch which has been wet with a little cold water. Do this thoroughly in a cup and stir with a teaspoon so as not to have any lumps in it. Pour into a glass bowl. Eat cold.

How to test jelly made at home

Much waste of sugar and spoilage of jellies can be avoided by using a simple alcohol test recommended by the Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture. To determine how much sugar should be used with each kind of juice put a spoon of juice in a glass and add to it one spoon of ninety-five per cent grain alcohol, mixed by shaking the glass gently.

Pour slowly from the glass, noting how the pectin--the substance in fruits which makes them jell--is precipitated. If the pectin is precipitated as one lump, a cup of sugar may be used for each cup of juice; if in several lumps the proportion of sugar must be reduced to approximately 3/4 the amount of the juice. If the pectin is not in lumps, the sugar should be one-half or less of the amount of juice.

The housewife will do well before making the test to taste the juice, as fruits having less acid than good tart apples probably will not make good jelly, unless mixed with other fruits which are acid.


Boiled beans and Corn recipes

BOILED BEANS (kosher meal recipe)

Select small, young string beans, string them carefully and boil in salt water, in a brass kettle, until tender, and throw them on a large, clean board to drip. Next morning press them into a jar, with alternate layers of salt and beans, and proceed as with string beans.

CORN (kosher meal recipe)

Boil the corn, cut it off the cobs, and pack in jars in alternate layers of salt and corn. Use plenty of salt in packing. When you wish to cook it soak in water overnight. Pack the corn in this way: First a layer of salt, half an inch deep; then about two inches of corn; then salt again, and so on. The top layer must be salt. Spread two inches of melted butter over the top layer and bind with strong perforated paper (perforate the paper with a pin). Keep in a cool cellar.

Dominoes - cake recipe

Make a sponge cake batter, and bake in long tins, not too large. The batter should not exceed the depth of one-fourth of an inch, spread it evenly and bake it in a quick oven (line the tins with buttered paper).
As each cake is taken from the oven, turn it upside down on a clean board or paper. Spread with a thin layer of currant or cranberry jelly, and lay the other cake on top of it. With a hot, sharp knife cut into strips like dominoes; push them with the knife about an inch apart, and ice them with ordinary white icing, putting a tablespoonful on each piece, the heat of the cake will soften it, and with little assistance the edges and sides may be smoothly covered. Set the cakes in a warm place, where the frosting will dry. Make a horn of stiff white paper with just a small opening; at the lower end. Put in one spoon of dark chocolate icing and close the horn at the top, and by pressing out the icing from the small opening, draw a line of it across the centre of each cake, and then make dots like those on dominoes. Keep the horn supplied with the icing.

Queen bread Pudding recipe

Queen bread Pudding

Take one cup of grated bread crumbs, soak it in one pint of sweet milk; then break three eggs; separate the whites, add to the yolks one cup of sugar and a small piece of butter; beat it well, and squeeze the bread crumbs out of the milk, and add this to the yolks and flavor with vanilla. Grease the pans with butter, put the mixture in the pan, and pour the milk over it;
set in the oven to bake until nearly dry, then add a layer of fresh fruit (apricots or peaches are the best or strawberry preserves);
add the whites of eggs that were beaten stiff. Serve cold with cream or milk. This can also be served hot.

White Caviar and Caviar canapes


Take roe of any fish, remove skin, salt; set aside over night. Next day
beat roe apart, pour boiling water over it and stir; when roe is white,
pour off the water and let drain; then put in pan with two tablespoons
of oil and salt, pepper, a little vinegar, and mix well. Let stand a few
days before using.
This caviar may be substituted in all recipes for the Russian caviar or
domestic caviar may be procured in some shops.


Cut the bread about one-quarter of an inch thick and two inches square
(or round), and after it is toasted spread over each slice a teaspoon of
ice cold caviar. Mix one teaspoon of chopped onion and one teaspoon
chopped parsley; spread the mixture over the caviar and serve with
quarters of lemon.
