Jelly recipes


Pick over half ripe currants, leaving stems on. Wash and place in
preserving kettle. Pound vigorously with wooden masher until there is
juice enough to boil. Boil slowly until fruit turns white and liquid
drops slowly from the spoon. Stir to prevent scorching.

Remove from fire. Take an enamelled cup and dip this mixture into the
jelly bags, under which large bowls have been placed to catch the drip.
Drip overnight.

Next morning measure the juice. For every pint allow a pint of
granulated sugar, which is put in a flat pan. Juice is put in kettle and
allowed to come to boiling point. Sugar is placed in oven and heated.
When juice boils add sugar and stir until dissolved.

When this boils remove from fire and skim. Do this three times. Now test
liquid with syrup gauge to see if it registers twenty-five degrees.
Without gauge let it drip from spoon, half cooled, to see if it jells.
Strain into sterilized jelly glasses. Place glasses on a board in a
sunny exposure until it hardens Cover with melted paraffin one-fourth
inch thick.

jelly recipe


The Concord is the best all-round grape for jelly, although the Catawba
grape makes a delicious jelly. Make your jelly as soon as possible after
the grapes are sent home from the market. Weigh the grapes on the stems
and for every pound of grapes thus weighed allow three-quarters of a
pound of the best quality of granulated sugar.

After weighing the grapes, place them in a big tub or receptacle of some
kind nearly filled with cold water. Let them remain ten minutes, then
lift them out with both hands and put them in a preserving kettle over a
very low fire. Do not add any water. With a masher press the grapes so
the juice comes out, and cook the grapes until they are rather soft,
pressing them frequently with the masher. When they have cooked until
the skins are all broken, pour them, juice and all; in a small-holed
colander set in a big bowl, and press pulp and juice through, picking
out the stems as they come to the surface.

When pulp and juice are pressed out, pour them into a cheese-cloth bag.
Hang the bag over the preserving kettle and let the juice drip all
night. In the morning put the kettle over the fire and let the grape
juice boil gently for a half hour, skimming it frequently.

While the juice is cooking put the sugar in pans in a moderate oven and
let heat. As soon as the juice is skimmed clear stir in the hot sugar,
and as soon as it is dissolved pour the jelly in the glasses, first
standing them in warm water. Place glasses after filling them in a cool
dry place till jelly is well set, then pour a film of melted paraffin
over the top and put on the covers.

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strawberry, apple and rhubarb pudding


Prepare one cup berry juice and sweeten to taste. Have ready a scant
half teacup of sago soaked one hour in water enough to cover. Boil the
sago in the fruit juice until thick like jelly. Beat up the whites of
two eggs and add to the sago while hot and remove immediately from the
stove. Mold and serve with cream or berry juice.
This mold can be made with any kind of fruit juice preferred


Soak three-quarter cup of tapioca and boil it in one quart of water
until clear, sweetening to taste. Pare and core six apples and place
them in a baking dish. Fill the cores with sugar, pour the tapioca
around them and grate a little nutmeg over the top. Cover and bake until
the apples are soft Serve with cream.


Grate some stale rye bread and take a bunch of rhubarb; cut fine without
peeling, put the cut rhubarb in a pan with a big pinch of baking-soda,
and pour boiling water over to cover. While that is steeping, grate the
rye bread and butter pudding-form well, and put crumbs all over the pan
about one-quarter inch deep, then add one-half the rhubarb that has been
well drained of the water; season with brown sugar, cinnamon, nuts and
any other seasoning you like; then some more crumbs, and other one-half
of rhubarb, and season as before the top crumbs, put flakes of butter
all over top; bake until done.


Cheese appetizers recipes

Cheese appetizers recipe

Cheese balls recipe

Take mashed cream cheese--add butter, cream and a little paprika. You
can chop either green peppers, almonds or olives in this mixture, or the
juice of an onion. Roll into small balls and serve on lettuce leaves.
This is also very good for sandwiches.

Nut and cheese relish

Mix one package cream cheese with one cup of chopped nut meats, one
teaspoon of chopped parsley, two tablespoons of whipped cream, salt and
red pepper. Roll into balls and serve cold, garnished with parsley and
chopped nuts.

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Mother's dill pickles


Examine the cucumbers carefully, discard all that are soft at the ends,
and allow them to lay in water overnight. In the morning drain, and dry
them with a clean towel. Then put them in a wooden pail or jar, along
with the dill, putting first a layer of dill at the bottom then a layer
of cucumbers, a few whole peppers, then a layer of dill again, and so on
until all are used, and last lay a clean, white cloth on top, then a
plate and a stone to give it weight, so that the pickles will be kept
under the brine. To a peck of cucumbers use about a cup of salt.
Dissolve the salt in enough cold water to cover them. You may add one or
two tablespoons of vinegar to the brine. If the cucumbers are small, and
if they are kept in a warm place, they will be ready for the table in
five or six days. If salt pickles have turned out to be too salty, just
pour off the old brine and wash the pickles and then examine them
closely, and if they are spoiled throw them away. Lay those that are
sound in a clean jar and pour over them a weak solution of salt water,
into which put a dash of vinegar. Always examine the pickles weekly.
Take off the cloth, wash it, and remove all the scum that adheres to the
pail, and lay a clean cloth over the pickles again. Do not use more than
a cup of salt in the new brine, which must be thoroughly dissolved. You
will find among Salads a nice recipe wherein salt pickles are used. (See
"Polish Salad," or "Salad Piquant.") It is a good way to make use of
pickles in winter that have become too salty for ordinary use.


Fruit pudding recipes


In a large mixing bowl whip to a cream two eggs, three tablespoons of
sugar, and two tablespoons of butter. To this, after it is well beaten,
add a saltspoon of salt and half a grated nutmeg. Stir these ingredients
well into the mixture; then stir in a cup of milk. Last add, a little at
a time--stirring it well in to make a smooth batter--a cup and a half of
flour and three-quarters of a cup of Indian meal, which have been sifted
together with three teaspoons of baking-powder in another bowl.

Butter well the inside of a two-quart pudding mold; put a layer of the
pudding batter an inch deep in the mold; cover this with a layer of fine
ripe peaches that have been peeled and cut in quarters or eighths--this
depends upon the size of the peaches. Sprinkle the layer of peaches with
a light layer of sugar; then pour in a layer of batter; then a layer of
peaches. Repeat this process till all the material is in, leaving a
layer of batter on top. Steam for two hours.


Take the yolks of four eggs, a cup of granulated sugar, and stir to a
cream. Chop fine thirty prunes (prunes being boiled without sugar), and
add two tablespoons of sweet chocolate, two tablespoons of grated
almonds, and the whites, which have been beaten to a snow. Boil two and
one-half hours in a pudding form and serve with whipped cream.


Soak a small loaf of bread; press out every drop of water, work into
this one cup of suet shaved very fine, the yolks of six eggs, one cup of
currants, one cup of raisins seeded, one-half cup of citron shredded
fine, three-quarters cup of syrup, one wineglass of brandy, one cup of
sifted flour and the stiffly-beaten whites of eggs last. Boil four hours
in greased melon mold.


Chop a half box of raisins and currants, one-quarter pound of citron,
one-quarter pound of suet (chopped very fine), two eggs, one and
one-half cups of sugar, a wineglass of brandy, two cups of cider, one
teaspoon of cinnamon and ground cloves. When all these are well mixed
add enough flour (with a teaspoon of baking-powder in it) to thicken
well. Cook in a greased mold and allow to steam for three hours.

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A few cakes recipes


After the pan is greased with butter, roll out a piece of dough quite
thin, lay it in the pan, press a rim out of the dough all around the pan
and let it rise for about ten minutes. Pare five large apples, core and
quarter them, dipping each piece in melted butter before laying on the
cake, sprinkle bountifully with sugar (brown being preferable to white
for this purpose) and cinnamon. See that you have tart apples. Leave the
cake in the pans and cut out the pieces just as you would want to serve
them. If they stick to the pan, set the pan on top of the hot stove for
a minute and the cake will then come out.


Take one and one-half cups of cheese, rub smooth with a silver or wooden
spoon through a colander or sieve, then rub a piece of sweet butter the
size of an egg to a cream, add gradually one-half cup of sugar and the
yolks of three eggs, a pinch of salt, grate in the peel of a lemon,
one-half cup of cleaned currants and a little citron cut up very fine.
Line two pie-plates with some kuchen dough or pie dough (See "Coffee
Cakes (Kuchen)"), roll it out quite thin, butter the pie-plates quite
heavily, and let the dough in them rise at least a quarter of an hour
before putting in the cheese mixture, for it must be baked immediately
after the cheese is put in, and just before you put the cheese into the
plates whip up the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth and stir
through the cheese mixture.

Cherry cake

Line a cake-pan, which has been well-buttered, with a thin layer of
kuchen dough. Stone two pounds of cherries and lay them on a sieve with
a dish underneath to catch the juice. Sprinkle sugar over them and bake.
In the meantime beat up four eggs with a cup of sugar, beat until light
and add the cherry juice. Draw the kuchen to the oven door, pour this
mixture over it and bake.




To four quarts of pared, cored and quartered quinces take one and one-half quarts of sugar and two quarts of water.

Rub the fruit hard with a coarse, crash towel, blanch for six minutes. Pare, quarter, and core; drop the pieces into cold water. Put the fruit in the preserving kettle with cold water to cover it generously. Heat slowly and simmer gently until tender. The pieces will not all require the same time to cook. Take each piece up as soon as it is so tender that a silver fork will pierce it readily. Drain on a platter. Strain the water in which the fruit was cooked through cheese-cloth. Put two quarts of the strained liquid and the sugar into the preserving kettle; stir over the fire until the sugar is dissolved. When it boils skim well and put in the cooked fruit. Boil gently for about forty minutes.

