Damson and raspberries jam recipes


Weigh 3/4 of a pound of sugar for each pound of fruit. After washing the
plums carefully, put them in a preserving kettle with just enough water
to keep them from sticking to the bottom. Set them over a moderate fire
and let them simmer for half an hour; then turn them, juice and all,
into a colander, filling the colander not more than half full. Have the
colander set over a large earthen bowl. With a potato masher, press
juice and pulp through the colander into the bowl, leaving skins and
pits as dry as possible. Remove these from the colander and repeat the
process until all the pulp and juice is pressed out; then pour it into
the kettle and, while it is heating slowly, heat the sugar in the oven.
As soon as the juice and pulp begins to simmer stir in the hot sugar,
and when it drops from the spoon like a thick jelly pour it into the
glasses. This is one of the most delicious fruit preserves made and is
always acceptable with meat and poultry or as a sweetmeat at afternoon


To five pounds of red raspberries (not too ripe) add five pounds of loaf
sugar. Mash the whole well in a preserving kettle (to do this thoroughly
use a potato masher). Add one quart of currant juice, and boil slowly
until it jellies. Try a little on a plate; set it on ice, if it jellies
remove from the fire, fill in small jars, cover with brandied paper and
tie a thick white paper over them. Keep in a dark, dry, cool place. If
you object to seeds, press the fruit through a sieve before boiling.


Egg kosher recipes

egg food


Boil eggs hard. Cut slice off the end, so that the egg will stand firm.
Dip egg in French dressing, then with a pastry bag arrange sardellen
butter on the top of egg. Have ready small squares of toasted bread,
spread with a thin layer of sardellen butter, on which to stand the
eggs. Caviar, mixed with some finely chopped onion, pepper and lemon
juice, may be used instead of the sardellen butter, but mayonnaise must
be used over the caviar.


Hard boil eggs, drop into cold water, remove shells, cut each in half
lengthwise. Turn out yolks into a bowl. Carefully place whites together
in pairs, mash yolks with back of a spoon. For every six yolks put into
bowl one tablespoon melted butter, one-half teaspoon mustard (the kind
prepared for table), one teaspoon salt, dash of cayenne pepper. Rub
these together thoroughly with yolks. Make little balls of this paste
the size of the yolks. Fit one ball into each pair whites.


Hard boil the eggs, place them immediately into cold water. When cold;
remove the shells carefully, cut the eggs in half lengthwise and butter
slightly. Lay one or two sardellen or appetite silds on one half of the
egg and press the one half gently on the other half which has the
sardellen. The egg must appear whole. Now tie lengthwise and across with
the narrowest, various colored ribbons you can find.


Chop four eggs which have been boiled fifteen minutes, add two
tablespoons of chopped olives, season and moisten with olive oil and
vinegar. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread.


Into the yolk of one egg stir enough flour until it is too stiff to
work. Grate on coarse grater, and spread on board to dry. After soup is
strained, put in and boil ten minutes before serving.


Beat slightly the yolks of two eggs, add two tablespoons of milk and a
few grains of salt. Pour into small buttered cup, place in pan of hot
water and bake until firm; cool, remove from cup and cut in fancy shapes
with French vegetable cutters.

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Boiled okra and boiled onions recipes



Wash and cut off the ends of young pods, cover with boiling salted water
and cook about twenty minutes, until tender. Drain, add cream (a scant
cup to a quart of okra), a tablespoon of butter, and salt and pepper to
taste. Another way of stewing is to cook it with tomatoes. To a pint of
okra pods, washed and sliced, allow a dozen ripe tomatoes, peeled and
sliced, and one medium-sized onion. Stew slowly for an hour, adding one
tablespoon of butter, a scant teaspoon of salt and pepper to season. No
water will be required, the tomato juice sufficing. In the West Indies
lemon juice and cayenne are also added to stewed okra.


Peel the onions and cut off the roots; drop each into cold water as soon
as it is peeled. When all are ready, drain and put in a saucepan well
covered with boiling water, adding a teaspoon of salt for every quart of
water. Boil rapidly for ten minutes with the cover partly off; drain and
return to the fire with fresh water. Simmer until tender; add pepper and
butter and serve, or omit the butter and pepper and pour a cream sauce
over the onions.

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Peppers recipes


Sweet green peppers, within the last ten years have gained a place in
cookery in this country. Their flavor is depended on for soups. They are
used in stews. They are used for salad, and they are used much as a
separate vegetable in dozens of different ways.


Select six tender, sweet peppers. Soak in water bread crumbs sufficient
to make one pint when the water is pressed out; mix with one-fourth
teaspoon basil, herbs and two teaspoons of salt, add two tablespoons of

Cut off the stem end of each pepper; carefully remove the interior and
fill the peppers with the prepared dressing. Place in a shallow
baking-pan and pour around them white sauce thinned with two cups of
water. Bake about one hour, basting frequently with the sauce.


Cut a slice from the blossom end of each pepper, remove seeds and
parboil ten minutes. Chop one onion fine and cook in fat until straw
color; add one-fourth cup of cold cooked chicken or veal, and 1/4 cup
of mushrooms; cook two minutes, add 1/2 cup of water and two tablespoons
of bread crumbs. Cool, sprinkle peppers with salt and a pinch of red
pepper. Fill with stuffing, cover with crumbs and bake ten minutes.


Take sweet green peppers, cut off blossom end; prepare the following: To
one pound of chopped meat take one egg, grate in one onion, a little
salt, citric acid (size of bean dissolved in a little water), mix all
together. Place this mixture in the peppers, but do not fill too full.
Set the entire top of peppers in place. Melt one tablespoon of fat in a
saucepan, add sliced tomatoes, then the stuffed peppers and 1/2 cup of
water; let steam 1/2 or 3/4 of an hour. Make sweet sour with a little
citric acid and sugar to taste. Thicken gravy with 1/2 tablespoon of
flour, browned with 1/2 tablespoon of fat.


Brown large white onions, add 1/2 cup of uncooked rice, a little salt,
piece of citric acid (size of a bean dissolved in a little water), fill
peppers, stew with tomatoes like Arday-influs. Or fill peppers with red
cabbage which has been steamed with onions and fat, and add moistened


Another good way to stuff peppers is to parboil them and then stuff them
with a forcemeat made of chopped nuts and bread crumbs moistened with
salt and pepper. Bake, basting occasionally with melted butter for
twenty minutes.


Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds, stems and pith. Then cut
them in neat, small pieces and throw into boiling salted water. Boil for
half an hour. Drain them and then add salt to taste, one tablespoon of
butter and four tablespoons of cream--to four peppers. Heat thoroughly
and serve.


Broil on all sides; place the broiled peppers in a dish of cold water so
that the skin can be easily removed. When the peppers are all peeled put
in a bowl or crock, add French dressing, and cover closely. These
peppers will keep all winter.


Matzoth kleis recipes


Beat one tablespoon of chicken schmalz till quite white; pour one cup of
boiling water over one egg. Add it to the dripping; stir these together,
then add the flour, seasoning, a little chopped parsley, ginger, pepper
and salt, and enough matzoth meal to form into small balls the size of a
marble. Drop these into the boiling soup and cook about fifteen minutes.
Test one in boiling water and if it boils apart add more meal.

MATZOTH KLEIS, recipe No. 1

Soak four matzoth in cold water and press them after being thoroughly
saturated. Add a little pepper, salt, sugar, parsley, and a half onion
chopped fine, first browning the onion. Beat four eggs and add all
together. Then pat in enough matzoth meal so that it may be rolled into
balls. The less meal used the lighter will be the balls. They should
boil for twenty minutes before serving.

Serve matzoth kleis in place of potatoes and garnish with minced onions
browned in three tablespoons of fat. All matzoth meal and matzoth kleis
are lighter if made a few hours before required and put in the ice-chest
until ready to boil. When used as a vegetable make the balls
considerably larger than for soup.

MATZOTH KLEIS, recipe No. 2

Take six matzoth, three eggs, two cooking-spoons of chicken fat,
parsley, onion, salt, pepper and ginger. Soak the matzoth in boiling
water a minute, then drain every drop of water out of them. Press
through sieve. Fry about three onions in the two tablespoons of chicken
fat, and when a light brown, put the matzoth in the spider with the fat
and onions to dry them. Add one teaspoon of salt, dash of pepper and
ginger and one tablespoon of chopped parsley. Add the three yolks of
eggs and beat all this together a few minutes; last, add the well-beaten
whites. Form into balls by rolling into a little matzoth meal. Drop in
boiling salt water and boil fifteen minutes; drain and pour over them
hot fat with an onion, cut fine and browned.


Prepare a matzoth dough as for the soup kleis. Make round flat cakes of
it with your hands, and fill with cooked prunes (having previously
removed the kernels). Put one of the flat cakes over one that is filled,
press the edges firmly together and roll until perfectly round. Boil
them in salt water--the water must boil hard before you put them in.
Heat some goose fat, cut up an onion in it and brown; pour this over the
kleis and serve hot. The kleis may be filled with a cheese mixture. Use
butter in that case.


pudding - several recipes


Boil one pound of chestnuts fifteen minutes. Shell and skin them, then
put back on stove with a cup of milk and boil till tender. Rub through a
colander. Butter a mold, line it with the pulp, then add a layer of
apple sauce that has been colored with currant jelly, then another layer
of chestnuts, and again apple sauce. Squeeze lemon juice over all, and
bake in a moderate oven. Turn out on a platter and serve with whipped
cream colored with currant jelly.


To one quart of milk add one-half cup of farina, salt, and a small piece
of butter. Boil in a double boiler until thick. Beat the yolks of four
eggs with four tablespoons of white sugar, and add this just before
taking off the fire. Stir it thoroughly, but do not let it boil any
more. Flavor with vanilla. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth
with pulverized sugar. After the eggs have been whipped, butter a
pudding dish, put in part of the custard, in which you have mixed the
whites (If you have any extra whites of eggs beat and use them also),
then a layer of stewed or canned peaches; cover with the remaining
custard and bake. Eat with rum sauce.


One and one-half pints of milk with nine level tablespoons of sugar,
five bitter and five sweet almonds chopped fine, brought to boiling
point, and twelve level tablespoons of farina dropped in slowly and
stirred constantly. Cook for twelve minutes, add vanilla to taste, then
add slowly the beaten whites of five eggs. Put it in a form and when
cold serve with a fruit sauce.


To three cups of milk, add half a cup of rice, which you have previously
scalded with hot water. Boil in a double boiler until quite soft. Beat
the yolks of three eggs with three tablespoons of white sugar, add this
just before taking it off the fire. Stir it thoroughly with a wooden
spoon, but do not let it boil any more. Add salt to the rice while
boiling, and flavor with vanilla. Beat the whites of the eggs with
powdered sugar to a stiff froth, and after putting the custard into the
pudding dish in which you wish to serve it, spread with the beaten
whites and let it brown slightly in the oven.


Take one quart of milk, one teaspoon of salt, one cup of sugar and two
well-beaten eggs. Heat this and then pour in slowly one cup of cream of
wheat or farina, stirring constantly. Boil fifteen minutes; then butter
a deep pudding dish and put in a layer of stewed prunes--that have been
cut up in small pieces with a scissors; on the bottom, over this, pour a
layer of the above, alternating in this order until all has been used.
Bake ten minutes in a hot oven. Plain cream, not whipped or sweetened,
is a delicious sauce for this.


vegetables bread


Add one medium-sized mashed boiled potato to any of the foregoing
recipes. This will give a more moist bread, which retains its freshness


Dissolve one cake of compressed yeast and four tablespoons of light
brown sugar or molasses in one cup of lukewarm water and one cup of milk
which has been scalded and cooled to lukewarm. Add two tablespoons of
melted butter, then four cups of Graham flour and one cup of white flour
(sifted), adding flour gradually, and one teaspoon of salt. Knead
thoroughly, being sure to keep dough soft. Cover and set aside in a warm
place to rise for about two hours. When double in bulk, turn out on
kneading board, mold into loaves, and place in well-greased pans, cover
and set to rise again--about one hour or until light. Bake one hour, in
a slower oven than for white bread. If wanted for overnight use one-half
cake of yeast and an extra half teaspoon of salt.


Dissolve one cake of compressed yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in one
cup of milk, scalded and cooled, and one cup of lukewarm water; add one
level tablespoon of butter then three cups of gluten flour gradually,
and one teaspoon of salt. Knead thoroughly until smooth and elastic;
place in well-greased bowl; cover and set aside in a warm place, free
from draught, to rise until light, which should be in about two hours.
Mold into loaves; place in greased pans, filling them half full. Cover,
let rise again, and when double in bulk, which should be in about one
hour, bake in moderate oven forty-five minutes.

This will make two one-pound loaves. For diet use omit shortening and

kosher bread


Make dough as directed for Butterbarches, using one-quarter cup of
raisins and omitting the lemon and egg. Form in loaves, fill
well-greased pans half full; cover and let rise until light; about one
hour. Glaze with egg diluted with water, and bake forty-five minutes.


Pour two cups of boiling water over two cups of rolled oats, cover and
let stand until lukewarm. Dissolve one cake of compressed yeast and
one-fourth cup of brown sugar in one-half cup of lukewarm water, add two
tablespoons of shortening, the oatmeal and the water in which it has
been swelling. Beat well, add about three cups of flour to make a dough,
also add one teaspoon of salt. Let rise until it doubles in bulk. Mold
into two loaves in pan and bake forty-five minutes.


Cook one quart of potatoes diced, in boiling water until tender. Strain,
reserving potato water. Measure and add enough more water to make three
cups. Let come to a boil, add one-quarter cup of salt, and very
gradually one and one-quarter cups of cornmeal. Cook two minutes,
stirring constantly until thick. Remove from fire, add two tablespoons
of any kind of fat, the potatoes riced or mashed and when cooled two
cups of flour; then one tablespoon of sugar and one cake of yeast
dissolved in one cup of lukewarm water. Mix and knead to a stiff dough
adding wheat flour to keep it from sticking. Cover, set aside in a warm
place overnight, or until double its bulk. Shape into four loaves, let
rise again; bake in a moderate oven one hour or more, until well done.
Glaze with egg diluted with water before putting in the oven. These
loaves will keep moist one week.


Dissolve one cake compressed yeast in two cups of lukewarm water and one
cup of milk which has been scalded and cooled; or if so desired the milk
may be omitted and all water used; add two and one-half cups of rye
flour or enough to make a sponge. Beat well; cover and set aside in a
warm place, free from draught, to rise about two hours. When light add
one and one-half cups of sifted white flour, one tablespoon of melted
butter or oil, two and one-half cups of rye flour to make a soft dough
and last one tablespoon of salt. Turn on a board and knead or pound it
five minutes. Place in greased bowl; cover and let rise until double in
bulk--about two hours. Turn on board and shape into loaves; place in
floured shallow pans; cover and let rise again until light--about one
hour. Brush with white of egg and water, to glaze. With sharp knife cut
lightly three strokes diagonally across top, and place in oven. Bake in
slower oven than for white bread. Caraway seeds may be used if desired.

By adding one-half cup of sour dough, left from previous baking, an acid
flavor is obtained, which is considered by many a great improvement.
This should be added to the sponge.


Sift three cups of rye flour, three cups of wheat flour and two
teaspoons of salt in a bowl. Dissolve one-half cake of compressed yeast
or any other yeast in two cups of lukewarm water. When the yeast is
dissolved pour it into the flour and make into a dough. Lay it on a
kneading board, and knead until smooth and elastic, put it back into the
bowl, cover with a towel, and set aside overnight to rise. Next morning,
lay the dough on a biscuit or kneading board again and knead well. Make
into a loaf, put into a pan, and when well risen, moisten the top with a
little cold water and bake in a moderate oven.

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Few prunes recipes


Cleanse thoroughly, soak in water ten or twelve hours, adding a little
granulated sugar when putting to soak, for although the fruit is sweet
enough, yet experience has shown that the added sugar changes by
chemical process into fruit sugar and brings out better the flavor of
the fruit. After soaking, the fruit will assume its full size, and is
ready to be simmered on the back of the stove. Do not boil prunes, that
is what spoils them. Simmer, simmer only. Keep lid on. Shake gently, do
not stir, and never let boil. When tender they are ready for table.
Serve cold, and a little cream will make them more delicious. A little
claret or sauterne poured over the prunes just as cooking is finished
adds a flavor relished by many. Added just before simmering, a little
sliced lemon or orange gives a rich color and flavor to the syrup.


Cook prunes in an earthenware bean pot in the oven. Wash and soak the
prunes and put them in the pot with a very little water; let them cook
slowly for a long time. They will be found delicious, thick and rich,
without any of the objectionable sweetness. Lemon, juice and peel, may
be added if desired.


Wash prunes thoroughly, pour boiling water over same and let them stand
for ten minutes. Then drain and pour boiling water over them again; put
in sealed jar; see that prunes are all covered with water. Ready for use
after forty-eight hours. Will keep for a week at a time and the longer
they stand the thicker the syrup gets.


Steam until the fruit is swollen to its original size and is tender.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and squeeze lemon juice over them.


Remove the pits from a large cup of stewed prunes and chop fine. Add the
whites of three eggs and a half cup of sugar beaten to a stiff froth.
Mix well, turn into a buttered dish and bake thirty minutes in a
moderate oven. Serve with whipped cream. If it is desired to cook this
in individual cups, butter the cups, fill only two-thirds full, to allow
for puffing up of the eggs, and set the cup a in a pan of water to bake.
Some like a dash of cinnamon in this.


torte, torts recipes


Beat one cup of powdered sugar with the yolks of four eggs; when very
light, add one cup of sifted flour in which has been mixed one teaspoon
of baking-powder, add three tablespoons of cold water, one-half teaspoon
of vanilla, one tablespoon essence of mocha, add the stiffly-beaten
whites and bake fifteen to twenty minutes in two layer pans in a
moderate oven. Spread when cold with one-half pint of cream to which has
been added one tablespoon of mocha essence, one and one-half tablespoon
of powdered sugar and then well whipped. Garnish with pounded almonds.


Take seven peeled and cored apples, six tablespoons of sugar, two
tablespoons of butter, and cook together until apples are soft. Cream
six eggs; add to them one pint of sour cream, one tablespoon of vanilla,
one-half teaspoon of cinnamon, and sugar to taste; then pour into the
cooked apples and let all boil together till thick. Remove from stove.
Take three cups of finely rolled zwieback, and in the bottom of a
well-greased pan put a layer of two cups of crumbs, then a layer of the
apple mixture, a layer of the remaining crumbs, and lastly lumps of
butter over all. Bake one hour.


Cream one-half pound of butter with one-half pound of sugar; drop in,
one at a time, the yolks of six eggs. Add one small wine glass of rum,
one-fourth pound of corn-starch, and one-fourth pound of flour that have
been thoroughly mixed; one teaspoon of baking-powder, the beaten whites
of six eggs. Bake one hour in a moderate oven.


Take one-half pound of almonds and blanch by pouring boiling water over
them, and pound in a mortar or grate on grater (the latter is best).
Beat yolks of eight eggs vigorously with one cup of sugar, add one-half
lemon, grated peel and juice, one tablespoon of brandy, and four
lady-fingers grated, the almonds, and fold in the stiffly-beaten whites
of eggs. Bake in moderate oven one hour.


Take one-fourth pound of sweet almonds and one-eighth pound of bitter
ones mixed. Blanch them the day previous to using and then grate or
pound them as fine as powder. Beat until light the yolks of nine eggs
with eight tablespoons of granulated sugar. Add the grated peel of one
lemon and one-half teaspoon of mace or vanilla. Beat long and steadily.
Add the grated almonds and continue the stirring in one direction. Add
the juice of the lemon to the stiff-beaten whites. Grate four stale lady
fingers, add and bake slowly for one hour at least.

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Kohl-Rabi recipe


Kohl-rabi is fine flavored and delicate, if cooked when very young and
tender. It should be used when it has a diameter of not more than two or
three inches.

Wash, peel and cut the Kohl-rabi root in dice and cook in salt water
until tender. Cook the greens or tops in another pan of boiling water
until tender, drain and chop very fine in a wooden bowl. Heat butter or
fat, add flour, then the chopped greens, and one cup of liquor the
Kohl-rabi root was cooked in or one cup of soup stock. Add the
Kohl-rabi, cook altogether, and serve.

Use same quantities as for turnips.

Salsify recipes


Wash, scrape and put at once in cold water with a little vinegar to keep
from discoloring. Cut one-half inch slices and cook in boiling, salted
water until soft. Drain and serve in white sauce. Or boil in salted,
boiling water until tender and cut in four pieces lengthwise, dredge
with flour and sprinkle with a little salt and fry in hot butter or fat
until nicely browned.


Boil and slice the salsify as in preceding recipe. Butter a baking dish;
fill it by adding alternate layers of salsify and small bits of cheese.
Season with salt, pepper and butter. Pour over it a sufficient quantity
of milk or cream to moisten thoroughly. Bake one-half hour. Bread crumbs
may be added if desired.

