Kugel recipes


Soak five wheat rolls in water, then press the bread quite dry, add one cup of drippings or one-half pound of suet chopped very fine, a pinch of salt, two eggs well beaten, one teaspoon of cinnamon, one grated lemon rind, one-half cup of sugar, one tablespoon of water. Stir all together thoroughly, grease the kugel pot well with warm melted fat, pour in the mixture and send it Friday afternoon to the bakery where it will remain till Saturday noon; it will then be baked brown. If one has a coal range that will retain the heat for the length of time required, it will be baked nicely. The kugel must be warm, however, when served.


If one desires an unsweetened kugel omit the sugar and cinnamon in the recipe above and season with salt and pepper. When required for any other meal but Shabbas, a kugel can be baked brown in two hours.


Soak five ounces of white bread--it may be stale bread--in cold water; then squeeze out every bit of water, put it in a bowl, add three-fourths cup of soft goose fat in small pieces, five whole eggs; one cup of flour, one-half cup of sugar, one-fourth cup of cracker meal, three apples and two pears cut in small pieces, two dozen raisins with the seeds removed, salt to taste, a tiny pinch of pepper, one-quarter
teaspoon each of cinnamon and allspice. Mix all well together, and pour into an iron pan that has the bottom well covered with goose-fat; stick a few pieces of cut apple or pear in the top of the pudding. Pour a cup of cold water over all; place in the oven to bake. Bake slowly for five or six hours. If the water cooks out before it is ready to brown, add more. Bake brown, top and bottom.


Cook three cups of broad noodles in salted boiling water ten minutes. Drain and add three-fourths cup of chicken or goose fat and four eggs, well beaten. Place in a well-greased iron pot and bake until the top of the kugel is well browned. Serve hot with raspberry jelly or stewed fruit of any kind.


Cream one cup of rendered fat with one cup of sugar, add one-half loaf of bread, previously soaked and pressed dry, a little salt, one-fourth cup of flour. Grease pudding-dish and put in alternate layers of the mixture and pears that have been boiled with water, sugar and claret. Bake slowly three hours.


Chop up cabbage and let stew in fat slowly until quite brown. Do this the day previous to using. Next day mix in with the stewed cabbage one-fourth of a loaf of bread soaked in water and squeezed dry, one-half cup of flour, one-half cup of brown sugar, one-eighth pound of raisins, some finely chopped citron, one-fourth pound of almonds (mixed with a few bitter almonds), one-half teaspoon of salt, some cinnamon and allspice, about a teaspoon, juice and peel of one lemon and four eggs. Mix all thoroughly, pour into well-greased iron pan (kugel pot) and bake slowly.


Soak half a loaf of bread in water and squeeze dry, shave a cup of suet very fine and cut up some tart apples in thin slices. Add sugar, raisins, cinnamon, about one-quarter cup of pounded almonds and the yolks of three eggs. Mix all thoroughly. Add whites beaten to a stiff froth last. Bake one hour.


Boil one cup of rice in water until done, then let it cool. In the meanwhile rub one-fourth cup of chicken-fat to a cream, add a scant cup of powdered sugar, a little cinnamon, the grated peel of one lemon, the yolks of three eggs, adding one at a time; one-half cup of raisins seeded, one-half pound of stewed prunes pitted, then add the cold rice.
One-half cup of pounded almonds mixed with a few bitter ones improves this pudding. Serve with a pudding sauce, either wine or brandy. This pudding may be eaten hot or cold and may be either baked or boiled. If baked, one hour is required; if boiled, two hours; the water must be kept boiling steadily. Left-over rice may be used, butter instead of the fat, and the rice may be boiled in milk.

"Eggs" kosher recipes


Eggs and the foods into which they enter are favorite articles of diet in most households. They are an agreeable substitute for meat and even when high in price make a cheaper dish than meat.
A fresh egg should feel heavy, sink in water, and when held to a bright light show a clear round yolk.


In the early spring or fall when eggs are plentiful and at their best, pack them away for future use. Use strictly fresh eggs with perfect shells (no cracks). Buy water glass at drugstore. Use ten parts water to one of water glass. Boil water, when cool add water glass and beat well.
Use an earthen jar or crock, pack in rows and pour over the liquid mixture to cover well. Place old plate over eggs in crock to keep them under water. Put cover on jar and keep in cool place. More eggs may be added at any time if well covered with the liquid mixture. For fifteen dozen eggs use one quart water glass.


The yolks may be kept several days and be as if just separated from the whites if they are placed in a cup previously rinsed with cold water and a pinch of salt added to them. The cup must be closely covered with a wet cloth, and this must be changed and well rinsed in cold water every day.
When whites are left over make a small angel cake or any of the cookies which require the whites of egg only.
When yolks are left over use for making mayonnaise.


Fill a pan with boiling, salted water. Break each egg into a wet saucer and slip it into the water; set the pan back where water will not boil. Dip the water over the eggs with a spoon. When the white is firm and a film has formed over the yolk, they are cooked. Take them up with a skimmer, drain and serve hot, on toast. Season with salt.


Soft-boiled eggs may be prepared in two ways. The eggs may be dropped carefully into boiling water and boiled three minutes, or they may be placed in a covered vessel of boiling water and allowed to stand in a warm place (but not on the stove) for ten minutes. Eggs prepared in this way are sometimes called "Coddled Eggs." They are much more delicate and digestible than the usual "Boiled Eggs."
Hard-boiled eggs should be cooked in boiling water for fifteen or twenty minutes and then dropped in cold water to prevent the yolk from turning dark.


Break into a bowl as many eggs as required, add salt and pepper. Have some very hot butter in the frying-pan on the stove; pour in the eggs, stir constantly until set, not stiff, and serve on a hot platter at once.


Melt in a frying-pan a piece of butter, or fat for a meat meal. When hot, drop in the eggs, one at a time, being careful not to break the yolk. When the white of the egg is set they are done, though some persons like them turned over and cooked on the other side. Remove from the pan with a cake turner.

Soup stock


In making soup, bring the cold water in the soup pot with the meat and bones to a boil slowly, and let it simmer for hours, never boiling and never ceasing to simmer. If clear soup is not desired soup may be allowed to boil. Bones, both fresh and those partly cooked, meats of all kinds, vegetables of various sorts, all may be added to the stock pot, to give flavor and nutriment to the soup.

One quart of cold water is used to each pound of meat for soup; to four quarts of water, one each of vegetables of medium size and a bouquet.

Make the soup in a closely covered kettle used for no other purpose. Remove scum when it first appears; after soup has simmered for four or five hours add vegetables and a bouquet.

Parsley wrapped around peppercorn, bayleaf, six cloves and other herbs, excepting sage, and tied, makes what is called a bouquet and may be easily removed from the soup.

Root celery, parsley, onions, carrots, asparagus and potatoes are the best vegetables to add to the soup stock. Never use celery leaves for beef soup. You may use celery leaves in potato soup, but sparingly, with chopped parsley leaves.

Vegetables, spices and salt should always be added the last hour of cooking. Strain into an earthen bowl and let cool uncovered, by so doing stock is less apt to ferment.

A cake of fat forms on the stock when cold, which excludes air and should not be removed until stock is used. To remove fat run a knife around edge of bowl and carefully remove the same. A small quantity will remain, which should be removed by passing a cloth, wrung out of hot water, around edge and over top of stock. This fat should be clarified and used for drippings. If time cannot be allowed for stock to cool before using, take off as much fat as possible with a spoon, and remove the remainder by passing tissue or any absorbent paper over the surface.

Bouillon should always be thickened with _yolks_ of eggs, beat up with a spoon of cold water. Ordinary beef soup or tomato soup may be thickened with flour. To do this properly heat a scant spoon of soup drippings, stir in briskly a spoon of flour, and add gradually a large quantity of soup to prevent it becoming lumpy.

Doughnuts recipes


Mix two and one-half tablespoons of melted butter, one cup of granulated sugar, two eggs, one cup of milk, one-half nutmeg grated, sifted flour enough to make a batter as stiff as biscuit dough; add two teaspoons of baking-powder and one teaspoon of salt to the sifted flour.
Flour your board well, roll dough out about half an inch thick, and cut into pieces
three inches long and one inch wide. Cut a slit about an inch long in the centre of each strip and pull one end through this slit. Fry quickly in hot Crisco.
Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of each doughnut.


French doughnuts are much daintier than the ordinary ones, and are easily made. Take one-half pint of water, one-half pint of milk, six ounces of butter, one-half pound of flour, and six eggs. Heat the butter, milk, and water, and when it boils remove from the fire and stir in the flour, using a wooden spoon. When well mixed, stir in the eggs, whipping each one in separately until you have a hard batter. Now pour your dough into a pastry bag. This is an ordinary cheesecloth bag, one corner of which has a tiny tin funnel, with a fluted or fancy edge.
(These little tins may be purchased at any tinware store.) It should be very small, not over two inches high at the most, so the dough may be easily squeezed through it. Pour the paste on buttered paper, making into ring shapes. Fry in hot oil or butter substitute.
Dust with powdered sugar.

Custard recipes


Beat four eggs light with one cup of sugar. Add one cup of cooked rice,
two cups of sweet milk, juice and rind of one lemon, one-half teaspoon
of cinnamon. Pour in pudding-pan and place in a pan filled with hot
water; bake until firm in moderate oven. Serve with lemon sauce.


Heat a little more than a pint of sweet milk to the boiling point, then
stir in gradually a little cold milk in which you have rubbed smooth a
heaping tablespoon of butter and a little nutmeg. Let this just come to
a boil, then pour into a buttered pudding-dish, first adding one cup of
stewed prune with the stones taken out. Bake for fifteen to twenty
minutes, according to the state of oven. A little cream improves it when
it is served in the saucers.


Soak four tablespoons of tapioca overnight in one quart of sweet milk.
In the morning beat the yolks of three eggs with one cup of sugar. Put
the milk and tapioca on in a double boiler, adding a pinch of salt; when
this comes to boiling point stir in the eggs and sugar. Beat the whites
to a stiff froth and stir quickly and delicately into the hot mixture.
Flavor with vanilla. Eat cold.



For shortening; use drippings and mix with goose, duck or chicken fat.
In the fall and winter, when poultry is plentiful and fat, save all
drippings of poultry fat for pie-crust. If you have neither, use
rendered beef fat.

Take one-half cup of shortening, one and one-half cups of flour. Sifted
pastry flour is best. If you have none at hand take two tablespoons of
flour off each cup after sifting; add a pinch of salt. With two knives
cut the fat into the sifted flour until the shortening is in pieces as
small as peas. Then pour in six or eight tablespoons of cold water; in
summer use ice-water; work with the knife until well mixed (never use
the hand). Flour a board or marble slab, roll the dough out thin,
sprinkle with a little flour and put dabs of soft drippings here and
there, fold the dough over and roll out thin again and spread with fat
and sprinkle with flour, repeat this and then roll out not too thin and
line a pie-plate with this dough. Always cut dough for lower crust a
little larger than the upper dough and do not stretch the dough when
lining pie-pan or plate.

If fruit is to be used for the filling, brush over top of the dough with
white of egg slightly beaten, or sprinkle with one tablespoon of bread
crumbs to prevent the dough from becoming soggy.

Put in the filling, brush over the edge of pastry with cold water, lay
the second round of paste loosely over the filling; press the edges
together lightly, and trim, if needed. Cut several slits in the top
crust or prick it with a fork before putting it in place.

Bake from thirty-five to forty-five minutes until crust is a nice brown.

A gas stove is more satisfactory for baking pies than a coal stove as
pies require the greatest heat at the bottom.

The recipe given above makes two crusts. Bake pies having a cooked
filling in a quick oven and those with an uncooked filling in a
moderate oven. Let pies cool upon plates on which they were made because
slipping them onto cold plates develops moisture which always destroys
the crispness of the lower crust.

German pancakes recipes


Beat two eggs very thoroughly without separating the yolks and whites;
add one-half teaspoon of salt, sift in two and one-half tablespoons of
flour, add one cup of milk gradually at first, and beat the whole very
well. Melt one tablespoon of butter in a large frying-pan, turn mixture
in and cook slowly until brown underneath. Grease the bottom of a large
pie plate, slip the pancake on the plate; add the other tablespoon of
butter to the frying-pan; when hot, turn uncooked side of pancake down
and brown. Serve at once with sugar and lemon slices or with any desired
preserve or syrup. This pancake may be served rolled like a jelly roll.


Beat two eggs until very light, add one-half cup of flour and one-half
teaspoon of salt and beat again; then add one cup of milk slowly, and
beat thoroughly. Heat a generous quantity of butter in a frying-pan and
pour all the batter into this at one time; place on a hot stove for one
minute; then remove to a brisk oven; the edges will turn up on sides of
pan in a few minutes; then reduce heat and cook more slowly until light,
crisp and brown, about seven minutes. Take it out, slide it carefully on
a hot plate, sprinkle plentifully with powdered sugar and send to the
table with six lemon slices.


Beat the yolks of four eggs until very light, then add one-half cup of
milk and stir in three-quarters cup of sifted flour, one-eighth
teaspoon of baking-powder, a pinch of salt, and lastly, just before
frying, add the stiffly-beaten whites of eggs and mix well together. Put
on fire an iron skillet with a close-fitting top; heat in two
tablespoons of rendered butter; when very hot, pour in enough of the
batter to cover the bottom of the skillet, cover at once with the top,
and when the pancake is brown on one side, remove the top and let it
brown on the other side. Take it up with a perforated skimmer, lay on a
plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar and some lemon juice. Serve at
once. Pancakes must only be made and fried when ready to be eaten, as
they fall from standing.

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Borsht recipe


Take some red beetroots, wash thoroughly and peel, and then boil in a
moderate quantity of water from two to three hours over a slow fire, by
which time a strong red liquor should have been obtained. Strain off the
liquor, adding lemon juice, sugar, and salt to taste, and when it has
cooled a little, stir in sufficient yolks of eggs to slightly thicken
it. May be used either cold or hot. In the latter case a little
home-made beef stock may be added to the beet soup.

If after straining off the soup the remaining beetroot is not too much
boiled away, it may be chopped fine with a little onion, vinegar and
dripping, flavored with pepper and salt, and used as a vegetable.

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"Fruit cake" - "wedding cake" - recipe


Take one pound of butter and one pound of sugar rubbed to a cream, yolks
of twelve eggs, one tablespoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of allspice,
one-half teaspoon of mace, one-half teaspoon of cloves, one-fourth of a
pound of almonds pounded, two pounds of raisins (seeded and chopped),
three pounds of currants (carefully cleaned), one pound of citron
(shredded very fine), and one-quarter of a pound of orange peel (chopped
very fine). Soak all this prepared fruit in one pint of brandy
overnight. Add all to the dough and put in the stiffly-beaten whites
last. Bake in a very slow oven for several hours, in cake pans lined
with buttered paper. When cold wrap in cloths dipped in brandy and put
in earthen jars. If baked in gas oven have light very low. Keep oven the
same temperature for four or five hours.

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White cake recipe


Cream three-quarters cup of butter and one and one-quarter cups of sugar
very well. Stop stirring, pour one-half cup of cold water on top of
butter mixture and whites of eight eggs slightly beaten on top of water;
do not stir, add one teaspoon of vanilla. Sift two and one-half cups of
pastry flour, measure, then mix with two heaping teaspoons of
baking-powder, and sift three times. Add to cake mixture and then beat
hard until very smooth. Turn into ungreased angel cake pan, place in
slow oven. Let cake rise to top of pan, then increase heat and bake
until firm. Invert pan, when cool cut out.

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