Grafton cake. Layers and small cakes, recipe

Cream four tablespoons of butter with one and one-half cups of sugar,
beat in separately two whole eggs, add one cup of milk alternately with
two cups of flour in which has been sifted two teaspoons of
baking-powder, beat all thoroughly.

This recipe will make two layer-cakes which may be spread with any of
the cake fillings or icings.

To make small cakes omit one of the egg-whites, fill well-buttered gem
pans a little more than half full, and bake in a moderately hot oven
until a delicate brown. The white reserved may be beaten to a stiff
froth and then gradually stir in four tablespoons of powdered sugar and
the juice of half a lemon. When the cakes are cool, spread with the
icing and decorate with raisins, nut meats, one on top of each or
sprinkle with candied caraway seeds.

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Rice recipes


Put one-half cup of rice in a strainer; place the strainer over a bowl
nearly full of cold water; rub the rice; lift the strainer from the bowl
and change the water. Repeat this until the water in the bowl is clear.
Have two quarts of water boiling briskly, add the rice and one
tablespoon of salt gradually so as not to stop the boiling; boil twenty
minutes or until soft, do not stir; drain through a colander and place
the colander over boiling water for ten minutes to steam. Every grain
will be distinct. Serve as a vegetable or as a cereal with cream and


Clean the rice as for boiling in water; and cook one-half cup of rice
with one and one-half cups of hot milk and one-half teaspoon of salt,
adding a few seeded or sultana raisins if desired. Serve hot like boiled
rice or press into small cups, cool and serve with cream and sugar.


Cook one-half cup of rice, place in hot serving dish, sprinkle
generously with grated sweet chocolate; set in oven one minute and


Wash two cups of rice carefully put in double boiler; add eight cups of
cold water and a pinch of salt and steam for two hours; do not stir.
Serve with any kind of stewed fruit or preserve.


Boil one cup of rice in water or milk; rub the kettle all over with a
piece of butter before putting in the rice, season with salt and add a
lump of butter. When cooked, add about six apples, pared, quartered and
cored, sugar and cinnamon. This makes a nice side dish, or dessert,
served with cream.


Boil as much rice as desired and when done slice up the pineapple and
add, with as much sugar as is required to sweeten to taste.


Arrange two cups of boiled rice in a baking dish in layers, covering
each with grated cheese, a little milk, butter, salt and red pepper.
Spread one cup of grated bread crumbs over all and bake in a moderate
oven until the crumbs are browned.


Clean and wash one cup of rice. Put on to boil with cold water, add a
pinch of salt. When done drain off the water, if any; add two cups of
milk, stir in and let boil for five minutes. Dish up, then sprinkle
sugar and cinnamon generously over the top. The yolk of an egg can be
added just before serving if desired.


Line a buttered dish with steamed rice. Break the eggs in the centre,
dot with butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper and bake in a moderate oven.


Boil one-half cup of rice (brown preferred); drain and dry it. Mix with
an equal quantity of bread crumbs. Add level teaspoon of salt and
one-half saltspoon of black pepper. Stir in one cup of chopped
nuts--pecans or peanuts. Add one tablespoon of chopped parsley and one
egg. Mix thoroughly and pack in bread-pan to mold it. Turn it from pan
into baking-pan and bake slowly three-quarters of an hour. Serve with
cream sauce or puree of peas.


Put two cups of water on to boil, add juice of two tomatoes and a pinch
of salt. When boiling, add one cup of rice and let cook until the water
has evaporated. Then add melted butter, mix well, and keep in warm
place, covered, until ready to serve.


Put one cup of washed rice in frying-pan with four or five tablespoons
of poultry fat; add three onions chopped and two cloves of garlic minced
fine. Fry ten minutes; add one red pepper or one canned pimento chopped,
or one teaspoon of paprika, and three ripe tomatoes or two cups of
strained tomatoes and one teaspoon of salt. Cook slowly about one hour,
and as the water evaporates, add more boiling water to keep from

More potatoes recipes


Potatoes are valuable articles of food and care should be taken in cooking them. The most economical method is to cook them in their "jackets" as there is not nearly as much waste of potato or of the salts that are valuable as food.


Potatoes should be well brushed and put on to boil in a saucepan of boiling water; they should continue boiling at the same degree of heat until they are done, when a fork will easily pierce them. This will take from twenty-five to thirty minutes. Drain, draw the saucepan to a low flame, place a clean cloth folded over the top of the saucepan and press the lid down over it. This dries the potatoes and makes them a good color. Hold the potatoes in a cloth and peel them, then reheat for one
minute and serve.

New potatoes, if well brushed or scraped do not require peeling.


To serve twenty people one-half peck of potatoes is required.


Peel six or eight potatoes, and put them on in boiling water to which has been added one teaspoon of salt. Boil as above.

The saucepan used for cooking potatoes should be used for no other purpose.


Select fine, smooth potatoes and boil them about twenty minutes. Drain off the water, remove the skins and pack in a buttered dish. Lay a small piece of butter on each potato, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and sprinkle fine bread crumbs over all, with a few tablespoons of cream. Bake until a nice light brown. Serve in the same dish. Garnish with parsley.


Wash large potatoes and bake in a quick oven until soft, which will take about three-quarters of an hour. This is the most wholesome way of cooking potatoes.


Pare very thin, medium potatoes as near a size as possible. Have ready a pot of boiling water, salted, drop in the potatoes and keep them at a quick boil until tender. Serve with a batter made by beating to a cream two tablespoons of butter, one-half tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of finely minced parsley; add salt and a dash of cayenne pepper; spread over the hot potatoes, and it will melt into a delicious dressing. This is especially nice to serve with fish.


Brush and scrape off all the skin of six potatoes and boil for half an hour in salted boiling water, drain, salt and dry for a few minutes, and then pour melted butter over them and sprinkle with chopped parsley.


Old potatoes may be used. Pare as many potatoes as required. Boil in salt water, drain thoroughly when done and mash them in the pot with a potato masher, working in a large tablespoon of butter and enough milk to make them resemble dough, do not allow any lumps to form in your dish. Garnish with parsley.

Nesselrode pudding

Put on one-half pound of shelled and skinned chestnuts in cold water, and let them boil until very tender, then press them through a puree sieve. Beat the yolks of five eggs with one-half pound of sugar until light, then add the mashed chestnuts, then stir in one pint of sweet cream. Put on to boil in a double boiler, add a few grains of salt, and stir until the mixture begins to boil, then remove at once from fire and set aside to cool. In a bowl put one-fourth pound of crystallized cherries, cut in half; one-fourth pound of crystallized pineapple cut up, one ounce of citron cut fine, one-fourth cup of stoned raisins and one-half cup of maraschino cordial. Put the chestnut cream in a freezer, freeze ten minutes, then add one pint cream that has been whipped stiff with two tablespoons of powdered sugar, turn until it begins to get stiff, then add the fruits and turn awhile longer. Pack in a pudding-mold in rock salt and ice two hours.

Layer cakes recipes


Rub one cup of butter and two scant cups of sugar to a cream; the yolks of four eggs beaten in well, add gradually one cup of milk and three cups of sifted flour, and add three teaspoons of baking-powder in last sifting; put whites in last. Bake in layers as for jelly cake. When cold, spread with the following filling: Moisten two tablespoons of cornstarch with enough cold milk to work it into a paste. Scald one-half pint of milk with one-half cup of sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat the
yolks of two eggs light; add the cornstarch to this, and as soon as the milk is scalded pour in the mixture gradually, stirring constantly until thick. Drop in one teaspoon of sweet butter, and when this is mixed in, set away until cool. Spread between layers.


Rub to a cream one-half cup of butter and one and one-half cups of pulverized sugar. Add gradually three eggs, one-half cup of milk and two cups of flour, adding two teaspoons of baking-powder in last sifting. Bake in layers.

*Filling.*--One grated cocoanut and all of its milk, to half of which
add the beaten whites of two eggs and one cup of powdered sugar. Lay
this between the layers. Mix with the other half of the grated cocoanut
five tablespoons of powdered sugar and strew thickly on top of cake,
which has been previously iced.


Stir one scant half cup of butter to a cream with one cup of sugar. Add
alternately one-half cup of sweet milk, yolks of two eggs which you have
previously beaten until quite light, add whites of two, and one-half cup
of sifted flour. Make a custard of one-half cup of milk, with one cup of
grated chocolate, one-half cup of granulated sugar; boil until thick,
add the yolk of one egg, then remove from the fire; stir until cool, add
this to the cake batter, add one and one-half cups of sifted flour, two
teaspoons of baking-powder and one of vanilla flavoring. Bake in layers
and ice between and on top with plain white icing flavored to taste. You
may substitute almond or colored icing.


Place one-half cup of sugar in pan over fire. Stir until liquid smokes
and burns brown. Add one-half cup of boiling water and cook into syrup.
Take one cup butter, one and one-half cups of sugar, yolks of two eggs,
over one cup of water and two cups of flour. Beat all thoroughly. Add
enough of the burnt sugar to flavor, also one teaspoon of vanilla,
another half cup of flour, two teaspoons of baking-powder and whites of
two eggs. Bake in two layers, using remainder of burnt sugar for icing.



Canned fruits may be cooked over the fire, but they are, on the whole,
very much better if cooked in a water bath. Prepare fruit and syrup as
for cooking in a preserving kettle and cook the syrup ten minutes.
Sterilize the jars and utensils; fill the jars with fruit; then pour in
enough syrup to fill the jars completely. Run the blade of a
silver-plated knife around the inside of the jar and put the covers on

Have a wooden rack, slats, or straw in the bottom of a wash boiler; put
in enough warm water to come to about four inches above the rack; place
the filled jars in the boiler, being careful not to let them touch. Pack
clean white rags or cotton rope between and around the jars to prevent
their striking one another when the water begins to boil. Cover the
boiler and let the fruit cook as directed, counting from the time the
surrounding water begins to boil. (This cooking is called sterilizing.)

Draw the boiler aside and remove the cover. When the steam passes off,
lift out one jar at a time and place it in a pan of boiling water beside
the boiler; fill to overflowing with boiling syrup; wipe the rim of the
jar with a cloth wrung from boiling water; put on rubbers and cover
quickly; stand the jar upside down and protected from drafts, until
cool; then tighten the covers if screw covers are used, and wipe off the
jars with a wet cloth. Paste on labels and put the jars on shelves in a
cool, dark closet.

The time given for sterilizing is for quart jars; pint jars require
three minutes less.

Peach pies recipes

Peach cream pie

Line a pie-plate with a rich crust and bake, then fill with a layer of
sweetened grated peaches which have had a few pounded peach kernels
added to them. Whip one cup of rich cream, sweeten and flavor and spread
over the peaches. Set in ice-chest until wanted.

Peach pie, No. 1

Line a pie-plate with a rich pie-crust, cover thickly with peaches that
have been pared and sliced fine (canned peaches may be used when others
are not to be had), adding; sugar and cover with strips of dough; bake

Peach pie, No. 2

Pare, stone, and slice the peaches. Line a deep pie-plate with a rich
paste, sprinkle a little flour over the bottom crust and lay in your
fruit, sprinkle sugar liberally over them in proportion to their
sweetness. Add a few peach kernels, pounded fine, to each pie and bake
with crossbars of paste across the top. If you want it extra fine, with
the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth and sweeten with about four
tablespoons of pulverized sugar, adding one-fourth of a teaspoon of
cream tartar, spread over the pie and return to the oven until the
meringue is set. Eat cold.



Make a dough of two cups of flour, a pinch of salt and a little lukewarm
water; do not make it too stiff, but smooth. Slap the dough back and
forth. Do this repeatedly for about fifteen minutes. Now put the dough
in a warm, covered bowl and set it in a warm, place for half an hour. In
the meantime stem and pit two quarts of sour cherries. Grate into them
some stale bread (about a plateful); also the peel of half a lemon, and
mix. Add one cup of sugar, some ground cinnamon and about four ounces of
pounded sweet almonds, mix all thoroughly. Roll out the dough as thin as
possible, lay aside the rolling-pin and pull, or rather stretch the
dough as thin as tissue paper. In doing this you will have to walk all
around the table, for when well stretched it will cover more than the
size of an ordinary table. Pull off all of the thick edge, for it must
be very thin to be good (save the pieces for another strudel). Pour a
little melted goose-oil or butter over this, and sprinkle the bread,
sugar, almonds, cherries, etc., over it; roll the strudel together into
a long roll. Have ready a long baking-pan well greased with either
butter or goose-fat; fold the strudel into the shape of a pretzel.
Butter or grease top also and bake a light brown; baste often while
baking. Eat warm.

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a few cakes


Cream together the yolks of nine eggs, and one-half pound of powdered
sugar, weigh one pound of walnuts before shelling; when shelled, grind;
to the creamed yolks and sugar add two tablespoons of well sifted
matzoth flour, a pinch of salt, and one teaspoon of vanilla, then mix in
the ground walnuts. Fold in gently the nine beaten whites. Bake
three-quarters of an hour.


Eight eggs, one and one-quarter cups of pulverized sugar, two
tablespoons of ground cinnamon and cloves mixed, one cup of
matzoth-meal; one-half pound seeded dates, cut fine, and the juice of
half a lemon.

Beat the yolks of the eggs and sugar together until very light, add the
matzoth meal, spices, dates and lemon, and finally put in the whites of
the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a moderate oven
three-quarters of an hour.


Beat the yolks of four eggs with one-half cup of sifted sugar, add
one-quarter pound of grated sweet almonds, one-quarter pound of
finely-grated vanilla chocolate, and one-quarter pound of raisins,
one-half cup of matzoth meal sifted fine, juice of an orange,
one-quarter cup of wine, and lastly the stiffly-beaten whites. Bake one
hour in a slow oven, in a form lined with greased paper.

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Stuffed fruits recipes


Fill with fondant, letting it project slightly, and insert in it a pecan
or half a walnut. Roll in granulated sugar.


Cut a slit in the side of dried figs, take out some of the pulp with the
tip of a teaspoon. Mix with one-fourth cup of the pulp, one-fourth cup
of finely-chopped crystallized ginger, a teaspoon of grated orange or
lemon rind and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Fill the figs with the
mixture, stuffing them so that they look plump.


Take one pound of best prunes, stone and soak in sherry for about an
hour (do not cover with the wine). Fill prunes with one large browned
almond and one-half marshmallow or with another prune, roll in
granulated sugar, and when all are finished, put in oven for two or
three minutes.
