Lentil sausages


For each person soak one tablespoon of lentils overnight. Then drain and
leave them spread on a dish for a day.

When ready to use, chop them finely and cook gently in a covered jar in
an outer vessel of water for about one hour, adding from time to time
just as much water as they will absorb.

When fully cooked, stir in about twice their bulk in bread crumbs
(preferably whole wheat), a slight flavoring of very finely chopped
onion, powdered mixed herbs and nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste, and
drippings to make the whole fairly moist.

When cool, shape into sausages (or cutlets or round cakes for luncheon),
coat them with egg and bread crumbs or seasoned flour, and brown them in
a little fat in a frying-pan or in a fairly hot oven.

Gravy or diluted meat extract should be served with them. They are no
less good when fried overnight and reheated in the gravy.


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